Never Think You Haven’t Made a Difference - Daily Inspired Life

Never Think You Haven’t Made a Difference

Every time there is a disaster, every time there is trouble going on in the world, 100% there's a whole bunch of people doing amazing things to help each other get through it.    

These are the stories we seek to share.  â€‹You can make a difference by helping share all that is good, kind and compassionate in the world.   

Share the Inspiration
  • There’s always something we can do in times of hardship. Always! <3

  • Maly says:

    These are amazing! Very inspiring and uplifting. Bless you for wanting to spread this to the world. It’s been a pleasure for me.

  • Oh my goodness. You just touched my heart. Your sincerity comes through as you speak. I am such a believer in making a difference every single day …it doesn’t have to always be a huge effort. It can be a smile toward a stranger passing by, helping to reach something on a high shelf for someone. Holding the door open for that young mom struggling with a stroller. In today’s environment of negative mainstream reporting, we need to do our best to share positivity wherever and whenever we can.

    • kdadmin says:

      Thank you Rosemary. I appreciate your comments. I can tell you are that kind of person, just by all the love you put into your beautiful recipes for all to enjoy. Thank you xox

  • Ina Libra says:

    Amazing post. Thank you for the inspiration.

  • mary says:

    Thanks for the inspiration.

  • Astrid says:

    Absolutely food for thought. Thank you for the inspiration.

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    karletta marie - daily inspired life

    Hi, I'm karletta marie.

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