As a reader of Daily Inspired Life, you are making a difference. Together, we are making a difference - not just in our own lives, but in the lives of many. Over the past year I have received dozens of messages that you won't always see - comments from writers about how they have been impacted by being invited to share their story; by the very process of sharing their story. We've also received messages from readers and how they've been touched by your stories.
Over the past year, we have seen how these stories remain alive. They take on a life of their own. They don't just stop still, after they have been published and read. These stories carry on impacting communities and as people are moved to share and act, we are creating change towards a more uplifting, connected, better world.
Today, I share just a few of those messages and thank you for being part of Daily Inspired Life.
"As people are moved to share and act, we are creating change towards a more uplifting, connected, better world."
Never thought anything I did would be shared with so many others to read. Thank you so very much. You are a blessing to the world, we need more publishers like you to spread Love and Kindness, more positive of life. ~ Jeannette (USA)
I got so many positive comments that it renewed my faith that people are good. It also proved that I could make a positive contribution and teach people about people like me … It was heart-warming to receive the good wishes and inspirational messages people shared. I was in awe that I could touch someone on a personal level. ~ Fathima S Meer (South Africa)
There is so much power reading and listening to other people's stories. You have no idea how inspiring you are, and the people who share their stories you publish. We all have something inside of us that is fabulous, amazing, and powerful ~ Nancy Richardson (USA)
A lot of people reached out to me to help, for appreciation, for motivation, and to understand our relief work in India, so that they can start something similar… a few started the similar work in other cities by reading this story. ~ Aamir Faiz (India)
The feedback has been tremendous and detailed. It's given me a big emotional uplift as people remember my son. We also raised money for our charity prompted by people reading the essay… a former work colleague who made a significant donation, said the story reminded him he had to do his part this year for others less fortunate. ~ Thomas Cowen (USA)
Sharing my story was an experience of life. Karletta can see things that others can’t … I had not realized how strong I have been and this strength is one that I can project to other women that need to move on from their own fear to have the life that they deserve. ~ Lizette Mendieta (USA)
It was very emotional to see how many people could relate and how many people were so supportive of my writing ability. ~ Sarra Atti (Kuwait)
Karletta unraveled thoughts which were hidden from my “memory view”…
Funny how we forget to love ourselves until someone else points out all the good things and who we are." ~ Marguerite McMahon (Australia)
When I can relate to a story, it sends shivers up my spine. I remember … I am thankful for what the experience taught me and how I grew from it. This is what happened when I read this story. ~ Carol Graham (USA)

"Old But Not Alone" A touching story highlighting the work of "Grannies in Demand" and the older folk they help in the care homes of Israel.