With the fast pace, and stresses of life, it’s easy to let our mornings pass by as routine. In this short story, Annmarie takes us into a magical world of morning gratitude. This two-minute read has the power to change the outlook of your entire day.
Sitting in the garden holding a hot mug of tea, I become aware that not every morning is this beautifully simple. Most mornings I have to head to work, but today is mine. The sound of birds, bees and even an occasional motor car are music to my ears... a serene tune that warms my soul.
As I compose, I perceive a distant dove cooing her allegiance, joining me in my early morning pleasure. My phone is on vibrate and there is a bee in the flower bed that sounds just like an incoming text or phone call.
It’s beautiful that the modern world of electronics can blend with nature. An airplane flies overhead as I sip the last of my basil-steeped tea while an increasingly noisy Carolina Chickadee performs a duet with its man-made competitor. Who would have conceived that the combined blend of their efforts to welcome the morning would please a mere me?
God. That’s my conclusion. He created birds of flight, then humankind to model travel for our convenience. But lest we forget his impart, he graced mornings with dew, sneaking sunshine, and the menagerie of insects and feathered friends.
“What will this day hold?” I wonder. For now, I hold and treasure this moment, all its sights, sounds, scents and sips. Maybe entertain a second cup, so as to have a pragmatic reason to stretch these early hours.
It’s beautiful that the modern world of electronics can blend with nature. An airplane flies overhead as I sip the last of my basil-steeped tea ...
Things are picking up in the neighborhood... down the street I hear a small dog’s high-pitched bark. A bit ago, two moms paced by during their morning walk. I imagine them pumping their arms as they discuss their children’s latest feats.
The sun is higher now and I’m beginning to feel the summer heat. Drinking that second cup of hot tea seems almost absurd but I don’t want to relinquish the pleasures of the morning. Oh, the heck with it… back inside I go to boil more water, but not before clipping another sprig of basil. Good morning, World!
Truly, our world does need a greeting, a sign of welcome and recognition. While it’s not difficult to appreciate Mother Earth, there are modern blessings apart from nature that we sometimes take for granted. Like water from a spigot, disposable diapers, handicap parking spots, ceiling fans, and microwave popcorn. Our world is far from perfect, but inside my own little planet, particularly on this glorious new day, I’ve discovered much to be thankful for, making me a grateful morning gal.

MeetAnnmarie Ragukonis
Hi, I'm Annmarie. I'm a Grandmother of nine, Mother of six, Married to my One and Only for over forty years. I love life and it loves me back. Hobbies include praying, reading, singing, and exercising.
I've just launched my new website: www.variegatedviews.com. Come and join me. I reveal the many colors of my soul—my personal thoughts, poems, photos, and occasional videos. Sometimes I share quotes that inspire me, suggest books I’m enjoying, songs that uplift me, or maybe even just one word that strikes my fancy. I also post links to websites that encourage a joy for living. So grab a seat and breathe a menagerie of serendipity!

Promise of a Peach Blossom
Inspiring story about hope and healing after hurt ...
I love the idea of feeling gratitude in the small, ordinary things 🙂
I love this! Starting off your day with a little gratitude is a good way to keep a proper mindset.
Sometimes it is truly the simple joys of the world that are the biggest luxuries, not the things that you can buy, but the moments that you experience.
Out of difficulties come miracles – and so hard times have taught me that there is beauty in everything, even the most simple things, we just need to be willing to look. What a lovely, peaceful story. Thanks for sharing!
As i read Annemaries story, I pictured myself sitting at the exact place sipping basdil tea and hearing nature. I truly enjoyed this inspirational story. Thank you for sharing Annemarie. June Hill
I loved this story too June. Annmarie took her morning and turned it into a song for us all to enjoy.
The story of Annmarie inspired me to be thankful, in every pace of life. The morning peacefulness seldom happens in our place. Mostly, people we’re fast and busy doing morning chores.
Yes, sometimes we get busy and forget to welcome in our morning. This is a lovely reminder.
Taking time to develop a grateful heart brings joy to each day. Learn to be still and listen.
So true. 💯