Tough Times Suck | How to Conquer Your Troubles with Creativity and Mental Grit | By Linda Ball | Inspiring Story #191

Tough Times Suck | How to Conquer Your Troubles with Creativity and Mental Grit | By Linda Ball | Inspiring Story #191


As a young mother providing for her five children, Linda Ball finds herself navigating financial hardship along with all the stresses that go with raising a large family. Join Linda as she shares her personal journey and strategies for conquering adversity with resilience and creativity.

Just because life is tough now doesn't mean life will always be tough. Life, like a maze, is full of ins and outs, ups and downs. Good times come and hard times go. In those moments when you feel cornered, when life sucks, it’s crucial to remember nothing ever lasts. Holding a positive headspace and adapting creatively helps us make the most of our present situation.

As a young mother raising five children and trying to make ends meet, there were times I felt overwhelmed. Days I’d hold my head worried about how I was going to feed and clothe my children. I’d sit staring wondering what to do, “Why is everything so expensive and how are others coping when I can't.”

Turning Away from the Path of Despair

And then, I’d stop myself going down the path of despair. I’d lift my head out from my palm and say,

 “Linda! No room for panic. Worrying about it won’t feed the kids. Now get your creative flow going and learn to adapt as fast as you can!”

It’s in these tough phases of life, when you're at your lowest, that your true strength emerges. It's about shifting your headspace from despair to determination, from seeing insurmountable obstacles to finding ways to grow through them. Every challenge became an opportunity to think outside the box, to transform the ordinary into something extraordinary.

I remember the mornings not having bread, so I made pancakes in the shape of their initials. The kids loved them. I learned how thinly I could slice a banana on sandwiches. Jelly with fruit always went down well as an inexpensive dessert. And it’s amazing what you can do with potatoes when you put your mind to it. 

It’s in these tough phases of life, when you're at your lowest, that your true strength emerges. It's about shifting your headspace from despair to determination ...

Finding Joy Inside the Struggle

That was the bellies taken care of. Now for fun. I turned looking for clothes in charity shops into treasure hunts. Freebies like walks, parks, libraries, gardening, and swimming kept the positivity up and helped me through another day.

Every person faces troubles at some time in their life. It might not be financial. It could be a natural disaster, stress, loss, or times when life just sucks.

In my role as a Community Development Officer, I encountered many stories of struggle. Some were similar to mine, others of teenagers overcoming drug addiction, women recovering from trauma, seniors who faced deep loneliness, and people who’d lost their jobs. Listening to others, I realised that struggle wasn’t just my story; it was a shared human experience.

This shift in perspective was a turning point for me. It inspired me to turn my challenges into an opportunity to share coping strategies with other families in the community. So, I got busy writing “So Life's Not Going to Plan” – helping people to see that tough times are not a life sentence; they're a call to become more inventive and adaptable. 

The Power of Resilience

We are more resilient than we know. The ability to handle a seemingly impossible situation depends entirely on the perspective you create for yourself. We get to choose.

We can stay stuck in a story of thinking life sucks, and guess what? Life will always suck. A "woe is me" victim mentality rises up and forces a tough phase in life to extend into a lifetime devoid of happiness.

Or we can see life as a maze, with its twists and turns, or as a mountain, with its steep climbs and descents. And we break down hardships into smaller, manageable steps, navigating each turn of the maze with the precision and determination of a robot on a mission. Because we know, this too shall pass. There will be a time when we emerge from the maze, stand atop the mountain, and enter a new, brighter phase of life.

Now, my family is all grown up. I have 10 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Since our days of struggle, I’ve traveled overseas and enjoyed holidays and cruises with my children. Back, during my tough times, it was hard to imagine I could enjoy what I enjoy today. But we kept taking steps forward in hope.

Every journey begins with a single step in hope. It’s about stepping over stones, finding our way through the maze, and reaching new heights.

Let your attitude and creativity lead the way. You are more resilient than you know. This journey, tough as it is, is your path to a stronger, more hopeful future.

About the Author - Linda Ball

As a young mother raising five children amidst financial struggles in Australia, Linda Ball refused to succumb to despair. Instead, she channelled her creativity into providing for her family, turning everyday challenges into opportunities for innovation.

In her role as a Community Development Officer, Linda encountered countless stories of struggle, reinforcing her belief that adversity is a shared human experience. This realisation ignited her mission to help others navigate tough times, leading her to write her soon-to-be-published book: "So Life's Not Going to Plan."

Today, Linda's family is all grown up, and she enjoys the company of ten grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Her life journey serves as a powerful reminder that resilience and creativity can illuminate even the darkest paths, guiding us toward a brighter future. Linda's unwavering optimism and determination inspire us to believe that tough times are temporary obstacles on the road to a stronger, more hopeful tomorrow.

You can connect with Linda and/or pre-order her book “So Life’s Not Going to Plan” here. 


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Share the Inspiration
  • John Mazz says:

    Thank you for this. I also have learned to live in the moment and take on challenges one step at a time. Worrying about the future is pointless. It’s actually destructive as it compromises your drive to accomplish things. And, if I’m being honest with myself, I look back on all that I’ve accomplished and wonder if I’d done as much without the challenges that pushed me to do more. Perspective is everything.

  • Emily says:

    Creativity is a tactic that I use to overcome tough times, as well! It’s such a great resource.

  • what a great reminder for everyone. as someone named joy and also someone who is disabled, i heartily subscribe to “finding joy inside the struggle!”

  • Thanks a lot for the inspirational writing and the positive energy to overcome tough situation. I think it’s find to struggle but we have to be strong enough to compose ourselves – experience will help 🙂

  • Your post about tough times is inspiring! Thank you for sharing invaluable insights!

  • Your article on conquering tough times with creativity and mental grit is incredibly inspiring. It’s a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there’s power in resilience and resourcefulness. Thank you for sharing such valuable insights and practical strategies for navigating life’s challenges with courage and creativity!

  • Richard Lowe says:

    These are some great tips and information about handling the rough times. I think everyone should read this article.

  • Marysa says:

    I have had my own tough times and low moments. It is good to think about that these things are temporary and life can change so much. Always good to rise up to overcome adversity.

  • Tam says:

    I needed to hear this. IM trapped in mental abuse and have no car no job no money and no place to go. Even my own family has betrayed me and uses me as a scapegoat.

    My own daughter called the police on me and lied to them saying I was abusing her. And I’d never hurt her , I give her anything she wanted even too spoiled you might say.

    Also I’m too nice and overly sensitive. I’m constantly worried about others well being and happiness over my own. I don’t even remember how to be happy.

    My boyfriend says unimaginable things to me. I hope you die even. I’m on egg shells constantly and feel so alone and no light at the end or a way out. I’ve became numb and rather be just dead a lot. I only have my cat to talk to. I’m so sad.

    But this helps me to keep holding on even if I’m so close to slipping and falling. It’s hard not to feel like a victim in this situation honestly.


    • Linda Ball says:

      I am so happy to hear my life story has had an impact on you. Please find ME (which means you) first in life as your priority. What others think of you is their business not yours. Be your own best friend and do what you need to do to climb out of the “woe is me” feeling as your first step in becoming happy again. 😊

    • Karletta Marie says:

      Dear Tam – thanks for sharing and being so vulnerable with your story. So sorry to hear things are very difficult for you right now. I’m glad Linda has given you inspiration.

      With each story we send out to subscribers we also sent out a narrative reflection, or life action prompt to help you put the lessons from the story into action into your own life. Not sure if you’re subscriber or not, so will leave this week’s here for you. Let us know if you find it helpful:


      Three Wise Insights from this Week’s Story

      #1 Just because life is tough now doesn’t mean life will always be tough. Life, like a maze, is full of ins and outs, ups and downs. Good times come and hard times go. Tough times are not a life sentence; they’re a call to become more inventive and adaptable.

      #2 It’s in the tough phases of life, when you’re at your lowest, that your true strength emerges. It’s about shifting your headspace from despair to determination from seeing insurmountable obstacles to finding ways to grow through them.

      #3 We are more resilient than we know. The ability to handle a seemingly impossible situation depends on the perspective you create for yourself. We get to choose. Will we stay stuck in a victim mentality or will we can get creative and start to break down our hardships into smaller, manageable steps?

      Tough Times Narrative Exercise

      #1 Acknowledge Tough Times do Happen: Take your journal and write down one challenge you’re currently facing. Acknowledge the feelings that come up without judgment.
      #2 Remind Yourself of Your Resilience: Remember how you’ve faced tough times in the past. How did you show creativity and mental grit to move through it?
      #3 Shift the Narrative: Inspired by Linda’s story, ask yourself where the challenge could be an opportunity for growth, resilience, or creativity.
      #4 Get Creative: Creativity is about using what you have in new ways. Remember Linda’s inventive approaches. Think of one creative way you could make the situation better or easier to handle.
      #5 Share and Connect with Others: Think of someone you can share your challenge and creative solutions with. Sometimes, talking about our challenges makes them feel more manageable.

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