Magazine | Inspiring Stories | August 21 Archives - Daily Inspired Life
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Daily Inspired Life | ISSUE | August 2021

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Celebrating Life after Facing Death Twice | by Brad Johnson | Inspiring Story #111

One evening while enjoying a ride, Brad Johnson’s world is torn apart by a serious motorcycle accident. Two weeks after being released from the hospital, and still recovering, a deadly fire rages through his town. Brad is lucky to escape alive, with literally the shirt on his back, and his faithful dog Bella.

Rather than being defined by tragedy, Brad’s story is about his choice to celebrate life by giving back to others.

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Village Boy Finds a Way then Pays It Forward | By Nawaz Khan | Inspiring Story #109

A boy from a poor family in a small village travels to the city to get a job to pay for his education. There a strange man approaches with an offer the boy is both afraid to accept, but can’t refuse.

Be inspired by Nawaz’s remarkable story as he works through his fears, embraces opportunities and ultimately passes on the gift he was given to others in his village.

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Meaningful Movies Based on True Stories

Meaningful Movies Based On True StoriesINSPIRING MOVIE #6LOVING Based on the landmark Supreme Court case, an interracial couple fights the law that they cannot be recognized as married in the state of Virginia.   Here are 5 meaningful messages from this true story …Love is powerful.  Faced with strong opposition, the Lovings continued their fight to […]

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