Giving Life, Spreading Hope | Story of a 4-Year-Old Real-Life Hero | by Madison Loreli | Inspiring Story #199

Giving Life, Spreading Hope | Story of a 4-Year-Old Real-Life Hero | by Madison Loreli | Inspiring Story #199

My son, Waylon, was in a tragic accident at age three with a home babysitter. He was pronounced neurologically deceased four days after being in ICU with no brain activity. That day, Waylon became a real-life hero, saving three children. This is our story ...

I never thought that I could lose my son in the time it took to go to a doctor's appointment and return home. I was the one who found him lying there without a heartbeat. I performed CPR to get his heart beating again.

Never did I imagine that four days later, my son would be pronounced dead.

Life is absolutely way too short, and you never know what tomorrow can bring. I was just 24 years old, sick with grief, trying to process the news. My son was gone. I barely could believe it. Now, a lady from Trillium sat beside me, presenting me with a huge decision to make. 

“I would like to talk to you about something, and that is organ donation. Today, Waylon has the opportunity to save and transform the lives of several children.”

I’d never thought of organ donation until that moment. I was scared of making the wrong choice. Many people have strong opinions about organ donation. I respect everybody’s decisions and choices, no matter the outcome. And I’ll admit I did have fears about donating Waylon’s organs.

What if the surgeries didn’t work, and it was all for nothing? What if they took Waylon’s organs, and they weren’t transplanted?

It was one of the most difficult decisions to make, a decision I had to make quickly. I pictured the precious lives Waylon might save. This was an opportunity for him to give the gift of life to other children. I thought, if I could help even one other parent watch their child grow up, then the answer is ‘yes.’

Waylon donated his small bowel to a little girl aged nine. His liver went to a boy under two. His heart is still beating and saved a baby under one year old. All three children who received his organs are doing amazing right now. His soul lives on through the three children he saved. And I was blessed to connect with one of the families whose little girl received a transplant.

Being aware of the light of hope Waylon’s gift of life has given other children and families, I discovered a newfound purpose. 

This was an opportunity for him to give the gift of life to other children... His soul lives on through the three children he saved.

Discovering Newfound Purpose

I became super involved with Oregon donation and Oregon donor awareness. I am dedicated to inspiring and educating others about organ donation.

Waylon loved windmills, so as a way to spread awareness and honor my son, I created a Facebook page called Windmills for Waylon Sam. I set a goal to register a thousand donors, knowing that each pledge held the power to transform lives, much like Waylon had done.

In doing this work to honor Waylon’s memory, I have found some comfort in knowing that his spirit lives on through the lives he has touched. While navigating the darkest depths of my soul, a tiny light has shone, knowing his soul has saved lives. I get to watch my son live on, which makes me happy about the decision I made. Waylon died a real-life hero.

And my message for you:

Hold your loved ones tight because nobody is guaranteed tomorrow.

Always give people the recognition they deserve. If there are things you strongly believe in and want to encourage or educate other people on, whatever it may be, then do it. If you can help another person, or if you have the opportunity to give the gift of life. Then please do.

 Together, we can help and inspire others with our gift of life.

Meet Madison Loreli & Waylon Sam

I am Waylon Sam’s mother. I would like to connect and inspire people to become organ donors!

If you have ever considered becoming an organ donor, please sign up using the link below to honour Waylon.

I never thought I could see any light after what I experienced as a mother at 24, losing my son. I never even thought of organ donation. My son died a hero saving three children. A nine-year-old girl with his small bowel, his liver, and his heart is still beating in a baby boy under one.

This whole experience has made me very involved in organ donation and awareness. I would like to honour Waylon and inspire other people to give the gift of life.

I made a quick video; here is the link.❤️ my goal is to get 1000 people to sign up through Waylon’s link:

Connect with Madison and learn more about Waylon here:  Windmills for Waylon Sam

Share the Inspiration
  • Madison loreli says:

    Thank you so much everyone for all the kind words ! I have a Facebook page windmills for Waylon Sam you can find me there 🙂 I really appreciate every single one of you!

  • Aaawwww….wasn’t Waylon the best of them all? You raised him well, Momma. I love you more for that. I always say it; no one is guaranteed tomorrow – be with your loved ones as much as possible.

  • Karen Ray says:

    Madison Loreli, thank you so much for sharing your story and Waylon Sam’s. I love how you’re honoring your precious boy and imagine every time you see children like those he helped, it’s a bit like getting a hug from him. I’ve been an organ donor for decades, although mine may be getting a bit worn. You’ve put a face and a powerful reason why others may consider donating their organs too.

    • Marge says:

      I too have been an organ donor as far back as I can remember! I am now 90 years young and still enjoying all my organs! I just moved from Illinois to Ohio to be near family! Finally got my state id card as I no longer drive! When it came time to decide about organ donation, I replied that I think my organs have outlived their purpose! If I were the one seeking an organ, I would look for one a little younger! Loved your decision during a most difficult time! You son’s life giving gift lives on! Bless you! 💝

    • Madison says:

      Thank you so much for the kind words ❤️ I am so glad so many people are becoming organ donors !

  • Kristine says:

    Madison, my heart breaks for you. I cannot comprehend your loss. I have been a home provider, center owner/director, and network leader for over 20 years. I help home providers open their business. Stories like yours hit me hard, and I do everything I can to encourage safety with new providers. You’ ve just added one more reason.
    I commend that you’ve taken a horrific situation and turned it into a positive one. I can see it brings you peace. I will think of you often.

    • Madison says:

      Thank you so much. It is definitely terrifying. My youngest two are finally going into a licensed daycare and I’m super nervous but I know there is amazing childcare providers out there.!

  • Angela Ricardo Bethea says:

    What a wonderful and emotional story. He is such a wonderful boy and through this sharing his story, he shall live on and inspire others as well.

  • Oh my Lord, what an emotional story. It had me all teary. Your son is and will always be remembered as a hero.

  • Beth says:

    I get sick to my stomach just thinking about something like this happening to my children. I think you’re so amazing for sharing this story and the ability to make something positive. Your son still lives on in a way.

  • This is an awesome story, totally agree with you, nobody is guaranteed tomorrow and we need to spend and spread love to our loved ones.

  • Stephanie says:

    Your son touched so many lives by this selfless act – yes, he is a hero. Both of you continue to be heroes by bringing awareness to the process of organ donation. Thank you for sharing something that is so close to your heart.

  • Emily says:

    Oh my goodness, this story moved me to tears. What a hero, and a spirit who will never be forgotten both in the lives he saved and those he touched during his short life.

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