Awakening to Life | Finding Beauty and Purpose After Cancer | by Karen Rice | Inspiring Story #202 -

Awakening to Life | Finding Beauty and Purpose After Cancer | by Karen Rice | Inspiring Story #202

 When Karen Rice received her diagnosis, she feared the worst. But instead of giving up on life, she transformed her mindset, finding beauty and purpose beyond the scars. Read on to discover how shifting your perspective can help you find meaning in life - even in tough times.

When I first got diagnosed with breast cancer, I reacted like most do โ€” the first thought being โ€œdeath sentenceโ€. Then, a few years later, when I was diagnosed with colon cancer,  I questioned everything: โ€œWhy me? What had I done so bad to have this thrown upon me?โ€

Shifting My Mindset:  Awakening, Strength & Renewal

I didn't have the answers, so rather than give-up, I resolved to shift my perspective.  I needed to find new hope, to find purpose. I decided cancer didnโ€™t have to be a death sentence.  Eventually, after going through trials and tribulations, I had an awakening. An awakening to what truly mattered in life. I found the true meaning of beauty and learned to see myself as someone who is blessed to be alive.

Even when chemotherapy and radiation took a toll on my body, I found myself looking in the mirror and seeing more than just the physical changes. I saw a woman who had faced something unimaginable and lived to tell a story of renewed strength and confidence.

Yes, there were days I wasnโ€™t happy with the way I looked after surgery, or the pain I had to endure.  But instead of feeling sorry for myself, I began to embrace what I was grateful for โ€” I still had my life, and I would live it to the fullest. 

Beyond the Scars: Redefining Beauty from Within

As I healed, I discovered true beauty is within and when you feel beautiful on the inside, it shows so clearly on the outside. Just because I had cancer, didn't mean cancer had me. I became my own cheering section, reminding myself every day that I was more than my diagnosis, more than the scars left on my body. I am still here, and that is a blessing.

Life is precious, and we don't realize it until we come close to losing it. When I think of the โ€œgift of lifeโ€ that was given to me twice over, I knew I did not have a moment to waste. I would never say having or going through cancer is a gift.  But surviving it, receiving a second and third chance at life to spend with your family --- that is the gift.

I would never say having or going through cancer is a gift. But surviving it, receiving a second and third chance at life to spend with your family --- that is the gift.

Discovering Hope and Purpose Through Writing

I knew I had a second chance at life, and I wanted to make the most of it. Thatโ€™s when I found healing in writing.  One day, as if by divine inspiration, I was moved to write a poem called โ€œPeace.โ€ I kept writing, pouring my pain and hope into poems that eventually filled a book.   I never planned on becoming a writer, but cancer gave me a new beginning, and hopefully my poems and story will give others the gift of new hope too. 

Because each day is an opportunity to live fully and purposefully. I  share my story, hoping to be an inspiration for someone else who is ill or otherwise.  I want to empower them to develop the strength to embrace life in a whole new way. You are more than your circumstances. Embrace your scars and mishaps. Know that true beauty comes from within.

The journey isnโ€™t easy, and not everyone will survive it. But there is power in fighting with all your heart and holding on to hope. Through faith, love, and a strong belief in ourselves, we can overcome anything. You have a purpose, and through that purpose, faith, compassion, and strength, your true beautiful self is revealed.

Embracing Life: A Message of Strength and Faith

If you or someone you know is facing this battle, remember: you are not alone, and your story isnโ€™t over. Have faith, fight with all you have, and hold onโ€”your true self is waiting to shine through.

Meet Karen Rice

Born in Houston, TX, I grew up as the seventh child in a large family with dreams of becoming a model and actress. After raising my child alone and facing the challenges of a broken marriage, I had a life-changing battle with both breast and colon cancer.

 This awakening gave me the strength to share my journey through writing. My book, โ€œCancer, Yet Cancer Again, but I Will Not Die Before Iโ€™m Dead,โ€ reflects my belief that we should never stop living, even in the face of adversity. 

Please connect with Karen by leaving a comment below, or reaching out to her on her on X.

Check out Karen's book here:


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