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Images Etched In My Mind by Lynda Elliott |Inspiring Story #29

Refugee Stories From Lynda Elliot, Founder of the Refugee Buddy Network If this whole experience has taught me one thing, it is this: The only thing that matters is love. The greatest gift we have as humans is our ability to empathize and connect with others. It is that part of us that knows we […]

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Marble Steps by Lynda Elliott | Inspiring Story #28

A moving composition, based on the true experiences of young Syrian refugees. This story is about their stories and Lynda Elliott, a woman whose offer to help turned into a huge network that would touch thousands… You used to have a business.  Well, a family business.  Successful. Yes. The whole family was educated, clever, proud. Life was […]

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One Favour to a Friend Changed My Life by Tram | Inspiring Story #24

Pregnant and exhausted, Tram couldn’t see a way out of her monotonous home-to-work, work-to-home daily routine… until one day a friend asks her for a favour. Tram’s story is about hope for a better life. It’s about giving …,and receiving so much more in return.

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Six Months To Burn Out 🌸 Saved By Kenya | Inspiring Story #7

To Annika, a business woman from Germany, the most important things in life are her looks, career, money and lifestyle. When Annika finds herself at the point of burn out, she heads to Kenya for a solo beach-side vacation.where she discovers a new world of freedom that will change her forever.

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They Laughed When I Said “I Want To Work Remotely and Travel The World” | Inspiring Story #2

I sat down at the black marble-top table, my face blushing hot red as Narelle and Megan choked back their laughter…Narelle and Megan were two human resource consultants who regularly ran workshops for corporate companies and government departments.  Narelle would often call me in to assist with preparing workshop content and course materials.  It was Monday […]

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Our Gift of Life | by Karletta Marie | Inspiring Story #1

Life is a Gift to be Unwrapped One Moment at a Time. A trip to Northern Ireland inspires a traveller to reflect on her precious gift of life.As my travel days in Northern Ireland come to an end, I take my last walk on the water’s edge of Helen’s Bay and listen for whispers hidden […]

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