A young boy shows up at Dollar Tree wanting to buy a few gifts for his mother. Only he was short on money...
A 30-second story to remind you that small gestures make a big difference
I work at the Dollar Tree. Yesterday a young kid came in to buy his mother birthday presents.
This kid had picked out several little gifts for his mother, including flowers, a princess balloon, and candy. When it came time to check-out, he was short on money.
As I got ready to cover the boy’s gift, the lady behind him said,
“No, I got this.” She proceeded to cover the rest of his purchase.
Today's a good day.
A reminder of how a little change can go a long way in making someone's day!

Meet Alicia Spain

I'm a mom and a grandma. I like to describe myself as a work in progress...
Trying to be and become the best me to help become the change I feel this world needs. Being kind to one another.
"Old But Not Alone" A touching story highlighting the work of "Grannies in Demand" and the older folk they help in the care homes of Israel.

Short but sweet. I still believe in kindness of human beings.
This is so sweet paying it forward never goes out of style and neither does kindness. The world would do well to remind those things all the time.
This touched my heart! Thank you for sharing the story!
Awwwn. Kindness overload. It’s amazing when people are ready to lend a helping hand.
Love this! Yes a small act can make a big difference