Pink Ribbon Runner by Patricia Prince | Breast Cancer Survivor Story | Inspiring Story #65 - Daily Inspired Life

Pink Ribbon Runner by Patricia Prince | Breast Cancer Survivor Story | Inspiring Story #65


100 pounds overweight, while battling stage 3 breast cancer Patricia knew she had a challenge ahead. What she achieves is remarkable.  The hope she passes on, invaluable ...

I closed my eyes and lifted my face towards the sun.  I allowed the warmth on my cheeks to radiate into my very core.  I breathed deeply, expanding my lungs with fresh, crisp spring air.  I was alive. 

My husband and I were out walking in one of our favourite places.  The paved path circled the serene lake. It was a popular spot for outdoor enthusiasts; an escape to soothing wilderness right in the very center of town.  The winding path took us an hour to walk. 

I hadnโ€™t been able to walk the entire distance around the lake a couple months before. I was just finishing up with treatments for stage three breast cancer when we started these walks.  My body was weak and sore.  My mind was foggy and forgetful.  I would get lost easily if my husband wasnโ€™t there with me. I had been fighting for over a year to make it through two mastectomy surgeries, several rounds of chemotherapy and three months of daily radiation treatments.

I felt broken-down, scared and depleted.  The cancer was found early enough not to have destroyed my body. But the treatments had crumpled much of my strength, energy and mind.  Being 100 pounds overweight, I was tired of being tired.  I needed to change my life.

My husband, who heard my big breath intake, asked if I was okay.  I opened my eyes, looked at the concerned expression on his face and smiled.  I reassured him that I was indeed fine; normal in fact.  In that moment I felt happy. 

As I was looking over at him, my eyes caught the sight of two women running.  I focused on their movements.  I watched intently as their feet hit the pavement in quickened canter-like movements.  I guessed that they were in their late 40s, close to my age.  They wore black, pink & green athletic wear.  Smiling and laughing as they ran, they were happy that afternoon too. 

Could I do that, I thought?  Could I run around the lake?  Those ladies made it look fun.  Walking was getting easier for me now.  It wasnโ€™t getting my heart-rate up anymore.  My oncologist said I needed cardio exercise.  โ€œLike Jane Fondaโ€, he said.  Walking was no longer enough.  I contemplated this, keeping the picture of those two women running clear in my mind, as my husband and I finished our walk around the lake. 

In the days that followed, I couldnโ€™t stop thinking about running ...

 Something about running appealed to me.  My husband thought it was a good idea.  But I had doubts.  I knew running was a lot harder than it looks. 

With encouragement from my husband, I pushed those doubts aside and signed up for a learn-to-run class.  One month after my last dose of radiation, I put on shorts, a pink t-shirt and running shoes and headed out for my first running class.

On the first day of classes, we were to do intervals of running one minute, followed by walking for two minutes.  We were to repeat this seven times for a total of 21 minutes.  That sounded easy enough.  I was excited.

My enthusiasm soon turned to dismay and panic.  Running felt so awkward.  The quick turnover of my feet hitting the ground felt so unnatural.  It was a foreign movement to my legs and body.  This was not like walking at all.  About 30 seconds into the run, I couldnโ€™t breathe.  I was struggling to get enough air in.  My heart was pounding.  I could hear the pulses in my ears.  Sweat was beading onto my forehead and under my arms, making me uncomfortable. 

How could this be healthy?  I wondered.  I felt like I was having a heart attack.  Doubt swarmed inside my head.  I was so out of shape.  I felt silly for being there.

I am not entirely sure why I went back to the second class.  That first class was embarrassing for me. I struggled at the back of the group.  I wondered if I would pass out or have to walk back.  But I didnโ€™t.  And here I was back for more of this grueling punishment for the second class.  Perhaps I was just being stubborn? 

I tend to finish what I start.  So, I went to each and every one of those run classes.  I persevered and progressed, continuing to hang out at the back of the group. I was the slowest runner in the class. 

And then, on October 5, 2014, after 12 weeks of run classes, I ran my first 5 km fundraiser for breast cancer research.  I crossed the finish line, dressed in pink, with tears streaming down my face.  They were happy tears of celebration.  I did it! 

I crossed the finish line, dressed in pink, with tears streaming down my face.  They were happy tears of celebration.  I did it! 

I survived cancer and I just ran 5 km.  I found an inner strength and tenacity that I didnโ€™t know I had until that moment when I crossed the finish line.  

Running was symbolic of my fight with cancer, and I was winning.


But I didnโ€™t stop at 5 km.  That race sparked something in me; a passion to overcome physical hardship. I craved more.  I was regaining control of my body and my life after cancer.  I was telling my body what to do.  I refused to let my body, and my cancer, dictate the direction of my life.  I was taking back my life and my health.  I ran several 5 km races before progressing to run a 10 km race, and then a 10-mile race.  I moved on to running half marathons, 13.1 miles.  Losing 90 pounds, I had energy and could think clearly again.

After running over 15 half marathons, I decided I needed to tackle something much bigger.  I decided to run a full marathon.  Running 26.2 miles seemed impossible to me.  I never thought of myself as athletic.  I fought obesity all my life.  But I also never thought I would run 3 miles either.  And I did that again and again.  So, on the 5th anniversary of my cancer survivorship, I decided I was going to tell my body to run a marathon. 


I trained for 20 weeks.  Running consumed my days, weeks and summer months.  And on October 6, 2019, 5 years after my first 3-mile race, I crossed the marathon finish line, dressed in pink, with tears streaming down my face.  I pushed my body beyond what I thought possible.  And it responded.  I did it.  I ran my first marathon. 

Now, I want to help others discover their potential for healthy living.  I believe the path to healing our body, mind and spirit is through being active, eating nutritious food and mindfulness.  I feel so strongly about this that I have gone back to school to become a certified health coach specializing in helping people with cancer.  It is possible to be healthy and happy after cancer.

With my science background, I founded the website Pink Ribbon Runner to share information, inspiration and tools to empower people to transform their lives, like I did.  Pink Ribbon Runner is me, but my website is much more than running.  I also started the Cancer Survivorsโ€™ Healthy Living Network on Facebook. 

Be Inspired by Patricia Prince...


I am a breast cancer survivor and certified health coach.

I learned to overcome, prevail, and flourish after breast cancer treatments. And now, I want to help you learn to recover from your ordeal.

I founded both and to help other cancer survivors heal and thrive in life after cancer treatments are finished.  I also run the discussion group Cancer Survivorโ€™s Healthy Living Network on Facebook.


โ€‹Touching story of human kindness.   On a bus from Phoenix to LA a woman hands over her last forty dollars.  But that wasn't the end of her story...   

>> Click here to read

touching story of human kindness - she gave her last $40
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  • […] Pink Ribbon Runner by Patricia Prince | Breast Cancer Survivor Story | Inspiring Story #65 […]

  • Rhian Westbury says:

    This is amazing, such an inspirational story. And it’s so amazing that even though then very first class didn’t go well she carried on and found her stride with it. I’ve only ever walked a Marathon and that was the shine night walk for cancer research x

  • Such an Inspirational story for everyone with Health challenges – Patricia, you mentioned that if you start something you see it through – wow you put your Heart and Soul into moving slowly at first and then, (where our attention goes Energy flows) Energy is the very Elixir of Life and look where you are now – It is wonderful to see how others are benefitting from all you are Sharing. Thank you for Motivating me xx

  • Shar says:

    It’s alarming how so many women have to fight breast cancer. My heartfelt encouragement to all. Such organizations are so meaningful.

  • Smiley says:

    How inspirational and what an amazing achievement! I haven’t been for a run since my accident, but completed a 10-mile sponsored walk in Summer for my hospital where they took a great care of me after my accident. There is something about being active outdoors. Well done!

  • Emily Davis says:

    Such an inspiring journey! Look at the outcome โ™ฅ

  • Anglophonic says:

    Such an inspiring story! I’m so happy you made it. I used to hate running, but step by step I started to enjoy it more.

  • Karletta Marie says:

    Thank you for sharing you story Patricia – what I especially love is how you’ve turned your challenge into a movement for helping others.

  • Oh my goodness, Patricia! You are amazing! The way you stuck with it after all that youโ€™ve been through is truly inspirational. Thank you for sharing!

  • This is such an incredibly inspiring story. There’s something about becoming a runner that is unlike any other experience in the world, and I too dream of it being something that everyone gets to become a part of at some point in their lives. Wishing you all the best on this journey <3

  • Izzy says:

    This is SO inspiring, congratulations and amazing job!

  • Maria Black says:

    What an amazing story this had me in (happy) tears for Patricia!!! You go girl!

    Running has changed my life so much as well! I never thought I could run a mile let alone the 2 marathons Iโ€™ve done! Focusing on marathoning was a huge help to my depression and anxiety!

    Iโ€™m so glad that Patricia has found her passion and strength through running too๐Ÿ’– Thanks for sharing!

  • Sonia says:

    Extremely powerful and encouragining. I salute your energy and focus. Hope you inspire many other people to do things in their lives that are goid for them. Keep it up sista’!

  • Sue Hall says:

    Wow reading your story brought me to tears. I have know too many who have battled breast cancer and and I am so glad you shared this with the world!

  • Surabhi says:

    This is so awesome! You are a true fighter. We salute you

  • Ivey Crider says:

    What an incredible journey!

  • Maria says:

    Powerful post! so much strength!!!

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