your story Archives - Daily Inspired Life
All posts in " your story "

More Powerful than Positive Books, Quotes & Affirmations | Inspiring Story #68

Mary* walked into my office and stood for a moment, looking at the positive books, quotes, and affirmations mounted on the wall behind my computer.  Right in the centre was a small blue framed poster I’d purchased as a child for $2 with my pocket money.  â€œWho you are is God’s gift to you, who you […]

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Better Stories to Beautiful Lives – A Pathway to Happiness | By Karletta Marie

How will “better stories” help you create your own beautiful life?Over the past few years, Daily Inspired Life has gently evolved to become a place where we don’t just read and share inspiring stories. Together, we use the power of narrative to consciously create our own beautiful lives and actively send out positive narratives into […]

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Telling Your Naked Truth | The Power of Sharing Story

Dare to Bare Your Soul … When you share your heart, dare to bare your soul;when you go naked with all your truth.The pain, well it can break you apart and in suffering shame your fragility is magnificently exposed.But take heart brave soul, for we hear your words and feel the cuts of your shattered self.  We […]

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Rise Up Like the Waves | Andra Day

And I’ll rise up, High like the waves
I’ll rise up. In spite of the ache
I’ll rise up, And I’ll do it a thousand times again

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