The Forgotten Gifts of Christmas by Manndi Maphies DeBoef | Inspiring Story #131

The Forgotten Gifts of Christmas by Manndi Maphies DeBoef | Inspiring Story #131

Whether we celebrate Christmas or not, whether we spend today with others or alone, we each receive at least one of these five gifts today ... 

On the way home from celebrating Christmas with the family, my oldest son, Liam, and I were riding together. We did not turn on the radio once (which is unheard of with this pre-teen in the car). The kid talked non-stop the whole sixty miles from Joplin to Springfield. It was so incredibly refreshing to have a full-on conversation with this boy -  the very same that often gives one-word answers to my questions, or barely grunts when I initiate after-school conversation.

I am not sure if it was the full moon, the sugar high from the day’s Christmas festivities, or the rush of joy we experienced being with loved ones, but on this particular evening, he was super chatty. He talked about his friends, school, basketball … We even delved into some bigger life issues. I was incredibly impressed with his understanding and intuition about life, at the rife old age of eleven.

At one point, he said, “Mom! Look at the moon.” 

I was incredibly impressed with his understanding and intuition about life, at the rife old age of eleven.

Just over the horizon was the largest blood orange ball of fire I had ever seen, shining down on us from the sky overhead. It was truly breathtaking. I asked him to take a picture because I knew the vibrant hue and monstrous size would not last until we made it home. He tried to take several shots, but through the windshield, with headlights blurring the scene in front of us, the quality of picture was simply not worth the effort.

Liam thoughtfully looked over to me and said,

“Mom. Your eyes are the best camera.”

A simple statement holding so much intrinsic value...

The blessing of eyesight to visually behold the beauty surrounding us daily. The blessing of sound to savor the holiday music and converse with my son in an impromptu deep and meaningful conversation.  The gift of touch, to feel the softness of his hair and skin (when he is sleeping because he won’t let me lay a finger on him while awake). The mouth-watering taste of delicious foods we only indulge in one glorious time a year. And lastly, the gift of scent; fresh pine from a live Christmas tree, a holiday candle burning on the mantle, the scent of fresh baked apple pie cooking in the oven or cinnamon candy cooling on the stovetop...

All senses we daily use, but seldom take the time to fully appreciate the pleasure each sense allows for us to embrace, enjoy, and experience this earthly life.

All senses we daily use, but seldom take the time to fully appreciate ...

How grateful am I that my son reminded me, not every sight is worthy of a picture. Some scenes are simply meant for the visual camera God created for us with one of His many gifts, the gift of sight.

Which gift did you most enjoy today?

About the Author -  Manndi Maphies DeBoef

Manndi Maphies DeBoef works at the UMKC School of Pharmacy and as a freelance writer in her spare time. Her greatest passion is being a boy mom to her two sons, William (11) and Waylan (9). Her sons never fail to provide daily entertainment, which inspires many of her writings.

She also loves to write about everything from being a single mom and dating after divorce to finding love later in life, the devastation of miscarriage, the loss of a loved one and starting over. Her pieces are lovingly filled with inspiration, encouragement and always a touch of humor

“Live a life worthy of writing about.”

Connect with Manndi and her writings here ... 

Facebook: Manndi Maphies DeBoef

Author's Page: Manndi's Musings

Instagram: Manndi8867

Share the Inspiration
  • Smiley says:

    What a lovely story. Reminds me of my words shared in my Christmas post on IG, I opened two gifts this morning – my eyes… Let’s never take them for granted and be grateful for those gifts. @journeyofsmiley

  • Sometimes it is just the simple things that make the best memories, and everyone gets all tied up in making grand gestures.

  • Shar says:

    The greatest gift that I experienced, today and every day is just being myself. For many, being their true self can be a challenge. It takes courage and perseverance to live your life purpose.

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