Meet beautiful Alena, a solo female traveler who has discovered three simple words that 'make me happy' ...
I’ve never felt this beautiful, talkative, brave, wonderful, strong, talented, important, loved, whole, natural, valuable, responsible, respectable, grateful, creative, exotic, intelligent, emotional, endless, enthusiastic, spiritual, super-hero, masculine, feminine, myself, aware, awakened, and happy in my entire life, and I’ve experienced these feelings of self-love intensifying within me more and more every single day. My “mojo” is on fire, and I’m becoming more and more impressed and falling more in love with myself every single day.
I am HAPPY. I smile and say hello to every single person I see on the street, and you can just see their eyes brighten up and see how you changed their life and made it better, if only for an instant. It feels so good to share a smile with someone and spread happiness. I LOVE it so much!!

Yesterday, I talked with a friend about how the best compliment you can give someone is, “You look HAPPY.”
After I said this, on THREE separate occasions, random people I’ve never met before came up to me and told me I LOOKED HAPPY!!! And I’m SO HAPPY.
I’ve never felt so much clarity in the unclear before in my life.
So to ALL those people I met while traveling, thank you for teaching me these things, for teaching me how to better love others and how to better love MYSELF.
You are all mad, and weird, and wild, and crazy, and genius, and passionate. You are made of fairy dust and sunshine and rainbows... of sparkly glitter... of Higher things. I can’t thank you enough for showing me how to see the world in this new light.
Within each of us, we hold all the strength and knowledge we need to conduct miracles, to be whoever we want to be, and to understand the world in its infinite dimensions.
The world is our teacher. We are all each other’s teachers. Within each of us, we hold all the strength and knowledge we need to conduct miracles, to be whoever we want to be, and to understand the world in its infinite dimensions.
This experience has lit a flame in my soul, and I can’t wait to let it spread like wildfire. Life is all about STORIES: the stories we create and share with others.
Thank you for being part of my story, and for teaching me how to love again.

Follow Alena's Journey Into Happiness ...
Alena has been traveling the world solo for the last 6 months. She is a designer, creator, storyteller, and “ideator.”
Alena chooses to travel to expand her horizons, explore our beautiful earth, come in contact with other cultures, and immerse herself in self-gratitude for all that she is and all that she has. Alena set off to “find herself” without even knowing that she'd been lost.
Alena is inspired by the colors and cultures the world has to offer and wishes to keep traveling and exploring indefinitely.
Tumblr: Tumblr: http://alenahorowitz.tumblr.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alena_witz/
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[…] that moment, I noticed an old tendency to skirt quickly away from happy. Why was […]
What a lovely life she lives. I think many people are willing to be so free and see the world. I am kinda close to being free though.
What a lovely post. I do also believe that the world is our teacher and that one of the keys to fulfillment (and happiness) is to stay curious and keep learning new things every day!
You are right, nothing else matters more than happiness! An it is important to remind this to ourselves (and to compliment others too as you suggested)! Thanks for sharing this different post and keep travelling and smiling when you feel it!
What a lovely and inspiring post! Traveling definitely makes me happy, especially when I meet the locals and they’re happy too!
Such a happy and uplifting story! I try to smile at and give everyone a kind word. You are so right about how it can brighten someone’s day, even if for that brief instant. Happy travels and story telling.