A Kibbutz Kind of Love Story | Inspiring Story #36 - Daily Inspired Life
Kibbutz-love-story-Marguerite McMahon

Marguerite volunteers to work on a Kibbutz, where she falls deeply in love with a handsome Jewish man.

They plan to spend the rest of their life as husband and wife...
but it seems the great divide between religion and race may keep them apart forever ... or will it?

Five weeks into my seven-week stay on Misgav Am, I have fallen for Ella.  When Ella holds my hand, when our fingers touch, my pulse quickens.  When Ella’s arm brushes against mine, the hairs of my skin rise as we connect, his energy flickering through my body. 

When Ella looks at me with his gentle jade eyes, I feel the loving connection of a man I am destined to be with.  I love his tender touch, his kindness, and the way I feel so protected in his arms.  He is to me, everything Israel stands for in my heart – a warm embrace on a cold day. 

I will soon be forced to return to London to fulfill my contract with Contiki.  Ella too, will be heading off on assignment with the Israeli army.  My heart aches at the thought of leaving.  But our parting is inevitable.  

The time was coming upon us quickly, like a tidal wave, ready to swallow me up and pull me away from the land and man I loved. 

... Our parting is inevitable. The time was coming upon us quickly, like a tidal wave, ready to swallow me up and pull me away from the land and man I loved.

About one week before I am due to leave Misgav Am, the Kibbutz community organises a holiday for the volunteers.  We spend four days exploring Israel.  We travel through the Negev Desert and make a stop in Eliat.

There Ella and I steal a moment alone on the beach, beside the Red Sea. 

Inevitable Parting

Ella and I lay stretched out side-by-side. The waves lap at the shore making a crackle and popping sound against the pebbles.  The sun beats down on my back.  We lay there, under the sky, out in the open.  The breeze brushes over our bodies as if wrapping us up in this moment in time. 

Ella takes my hand in his.  I feel the warmth of his palm.  His fingers entwine mine.  I turn to look at his face.  His eyelids hang low and his eyes appear grey.  I haven’t seen this look before.

“It won’t be long before you leave Marg.  What will I do without you?  How can I live without you?”

My heart gapes open as wide as the Red Sea before us.  Torn, I wonder if I will ever see Ella again.  

“I don’t know Ella, what can we do?  Will I ever see you again?”  My top lip twitches as I hold back tears.  The sadness hits me so deeply.  It is like the whole ocean has come rushing in on my body, and I can’t breathe under the weight of the water.

I can’t dwell on our parting.  I close my eyes.  Right now, we have this moment together.  I want this moment on the beach to last forever. 

The sound of the waves sings us to sleep.  I dream of Israel.  I dream of Ella.    

Three days later, I watch Ella drive away from the Kibbutz in an Army truck.  I make the journey back to Tel Aviv ready for my flight back to London. 

Goodbye, sweet Israel.  Goodbye, Ella. 

But this is not the end of the story .  Find out what happens.    

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  • I am just hooked to this story. I read it thrice before commenting. I would love to know what happens in the end. Filling up to get the full story 🙂 Thanks.

  • Roshni says:

    Oh wow I wonder if they ever saw each other again! I’ve been in this situation before

  • Andrew Koscielecki says:

    I had really similar story to you. I the main different is the timeframe.

  • Eileen says:

    I really love the idea of telling stories. And this is very well written !
    Great efforts.

  • Sunday says:

    Intriguing! Sounds like a beautiful, tender experience!

  • jerry godinho says:

    i am a sucker for stories thanks for this lovely tale

  • myfarrahdise says:

    aaahhh such a lovely story you got here, I hate goodbyes (who doesn’t right?) but reality is not so nice sometimes.

  • Sharon says:

    I’ve wanted to visit Israel. Your story sounds so inspiring!

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