Inspirational People | Inspiring Stories- Page 2 of 6 - Daily Inspired Life
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Heroin, Hope & Harvard by Liz Moldovan | Inspiring Story #81

 Inspiring story about a woman who after twenty+ years of heroin addiction is left homeless and close to death.  Without hope she attempts suicide โ€ฆ but instead of ending her life, she finds the strength to get clean and turn her life around in an almost miraculous way. I left home with nothing except my three-year-old [โ€ฆ]

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20+ Inspiring Stories for Young People (from people around our globe)

These true life stories for young people (by young people from around the world) touch on important life topics such as career, education, financial pressures, dealing with bullying, anxiety, helping others, going after your goals, succeeding despite great hardship, and more โ€ฆ

We hope young people the world over, will be inspired by these real life stories shared from Australia, DR Congo, India, Kuwait, Greece, New Zealand, Palestine, Pakistan, Philippines, Switzerland, Uganda, UK, USA and Vietnam โ€ฆ

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