From Rejection to Setting-Records: Cerebral Palsy Champion Redefines Disabled to Distinctly-Abled by Dr. Riitesh Sinha | Inspiring Story #181

From Rejection to Setting Records: Cerebral Palsy Champion Redefines Disabled to Distinctly-Abled by Dr. Riitesh Sinha | Inspiring Story #181


Diagnosed with quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy, Dr. Riitesh Sinha redefines the notion of 'Disabled' to 'Distinctly Abled.' From setting records to empowering countless lives, his extraordinary journey will inspire you to overcome the rejections, limitations and challenges you face in your own life.

I was born in a town in the city of Vadodara, Gujarat, India with a world of limitations already set before me. Diagnosed with quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy, my body movements were confined. Doubts surrounding my potential were pervasive. Little did people know that my life would become a living testament to how much one can achieve with support and training, even despite the great challenges we must face.

From the moment I sought admission to schools, I encountered rejection and exclusion. Doors were closed before me, and the prospect of receiving an education seemed distant. That’s because society incorrectly judges the mental capability of a person by their voice and body movements. People think that if the voice of a person is clear and their body movements are proper, their IQ is high and vice versa. In my childhood days, people called me ‘nut.’ That frustrated me. Yet, within the depths of my heart, I carried an unwavering belief that I could overcome any obstacle that came my way.

Doors were closed before me, and the prospect of receiving an education seemed distant.

My parents, Dr. R N Sinha and Dr. P R Sinha, both scientists and sister Anila, driven by an unyielding love and determination, refused to accept defeat. They searched tirelessly until they discovered a private school that would take me in. In 1980, I got admission to a convent school. The principal of St Theresa’s Convent School was a very progressive person and could see through my challenges. Her support along with that of some teachers and my classmates really helped me throughout my school life. Taking me to the toilet and taking down notes for me during class - these everyday kindly gestures would really help me as I couldn’t walk on my own, and my writing speed was quite slow.  I progressed academically and personally.

Other than studies, I also took part in extracurricular activities in school and college. I stood still as a Banyan tree at a school function.  Despite the physical challenges I faced, I found solace in knowledge and the pursuit of understanding. While others saw limitations, I saw opportunities for growth and creativity. I was not able to play regular games, so I read magazines and storybooks. I immersed myself in every aspect of my education, from studying Genetics to exploring various correspondence courses that expanded my horizons.

However, the path to success was not without its trials. The world around me harbored a lack of awareness and understanding about the capabilities of individuals like me with Cerebral Palsy. I was dismissed offhand by an NGO that claimed gainful employment was beyond my reach. But in the face of such prejudice, I refused to succumb to despair. 

I landed a job at the District & Sessions Court in Karnal. But after a few months, I was ousted on the grounds of my disability. I felt very frustrated that after working so hard for my education, I was still judged by my physical condition. Still, I continued to fight.

I approached the Punjab and Haryana High Court with my case. The court asked me to submit to an ability test. I won the case. The court quashed my termination order.

Since it was the first time in the history of the High Court that a physically challenged person was asked to undergo an ability test, my name is in the Limca Book of Records 2015, and the case has been featured in a judicial periodical Punjab Law Reporter.

Thankfully, throughout all my trials and obstacles my parents, sister, and well-wishers continued to inspire me. With determination and confidence in my own abilities, I founded my computer training center. It became a place of empowerment, where I imparted invaluable skills to more than a thousand individuals. Students with Cerebral Palsy were taught how to navigate the problems they faced. I reveled in their success and found solace in knowing that I was making a lasting impact on their lives.

As I delved deeper into my journey, I discovered a passion for alternative healing techniques tailored specifically for people with Cerebral Palsy. Through my blog, I share insights and breakthroughs, striving to better the lives of those who face similar challenges. My innovative designs, such as the foot-operated tricycle for outdoor mobility and adaptive clothing, brought newfound independence and ease to individuals like me.

Motivated by my own experiences, I composed a Cerebral Palsy anthem in Hindi and English to uplift and encourage others with Cerebral Palsy. In my book, "Understanding Cerebral Palsy," I offered a glimpse into the depths of this condition, seeking to raise awareness and foster understanding in society.

I’d like to see more done though. I’d like to see government include Disabilities Studies from the primary school level to build awareness and make the world a more inclusive society. Persons with Cerebral Palsy have all the desires and aspirations as any other human being. People should know that a Disabled Person is a Distinctly Abled Person and a person with Cerebral Palsy is a capable person. With proper education and training, they can do anything the so-called able-bodied person can do.

Doors were closed before me, and the prospect of receiving an education seemed distant.

My journey has never been about my personal achievements. It has always been about empowerment, advocacy, and uplifting the lives of others. Through my social media platform, the Capable Persons' Group, I champion the cause of disability awareness and empowerment. In recent times, I used my platform to educate others about boosting immunity through natural therapies, sharing poems and haikus that offer solace and hope during these challenging times.

I hope my story showcases that with determination and an unyielding belief in oneself, we can all go beyond our limitations and create a more inclusive and understanding world.

Meet Dr. Riitesh Sinha

Dr. Riitesh Sinha was born with cerebral palsy and is a committed Natural therapist. He is a Post Graduate in Computers,  Master in Information Technology, Diploma in Naturopathy, Diploma in Ayurvedic Acupressure and has been exposed to the world of natural therapies like Reiki, Mudraas, Acupressure, Sujok, Mantra therapy, and Swara Yoga since his childhood . 

He is an avid reader and has developed a foot-operated tricycle for his mobility. He developed a new Mudraa (hand-gesture) named as Riitesh Mudraas and a pencil holding method named as Riitesh's Method of Holding Pencil for people with Cerebral Palsy.  These are like magic wands for them.  

He is a recipient of the CavinKare Ability Award and ADAPT Activism Award. To raise awareness about Cerebral Palsy among the general public, he has authored a book entitled "Understanding Cerebral Palsy".

Connect with Dr. Riitesh Sinha here:

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Share the Inspiration
  • Fransic says:

    Very cool, and definitely amazing to know about motivational stories like this. Thank you for sharing!

  • Your story is truly a good source for motivating me to work harder. So inspiring!

  • Marysa says:

    What a great story of overcoming challenges. I really enjoyed reading this piece.

  • Debbie says:

    Thank you for sharing such an inspiring story and life journey. I would like to check out Dr. Sinah’s book to learn more about understanding Cerebal Palsy.

  • Bryan says:

    It’s nice to read something like this and I like that he is doing what he can to spread the word about cerebral palsy and raise awareness. The barriers that exist need to be broken down- people with cerebral palsy are completely competent to do most anything.

  • SONIA says:

    This story is so inspiring. As a disabled person, I have to say that people need to realise that despite being disabled, we strive to live life to the full.

  • Maria Azanha says:

    I appreciate deeply your story. It reinforces the notion not to ever underestimate anyone!

  • Ntensibe says:

    Aaawww…that is terrific work he is doing, to spread the good word about cerebral palsy. It’s one of those conditions we need to know more about.

  • MELANIE E says:

    This is such an inspiring story. I’m shocked that schools wouldn’t allow you to attend due to your condition. Your determination has really fueled your achievements.

  • Bright Snow Sayram says:

    Thanks for such an inspiring story. It’s said never look down on anyone unless you are admiring their shoes.

  • Stephanie says:

    Such an inspiring life – I enjoyed reading your story. Never discount anyone for whatever we may see as their handicaps.

  • Beth says:

    This is so amazing! THIS is why you should never count anyone out for any reason.

  • Maria says:

    That is something I am interested in lately, natural remedies and improvement of health through active lifestyle. Thank you for sharing this story 🙂

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