I met a woman healer while taking a walk. She said to me, "The problem these days is everyone wants to be special."
I said, "No, I don't think so. The problem is, not everyone can see that they are already special"
Listen to anyone's deeper story - you'll agree, we're all pretty special. When you take a deeper look at your own story, you'll see you're a flippin' miracle ...
And if you can't quite see the miracle you are yet... then that's okay. In life we often theme our stories in a way that focuses on the difficulties, the assumed failures, our feelings of not enough-ness, the words of others and the standards of others that we were never meant to buy into ...
but, I promise, that's not your full story and it's likely not the true story.
In the next issue of Daily Inspired Life, we'll be discussing the re-telling and re-authoring of your story. In the meantime, pop in the comments below, your answer to this question ...
I'm a flippin' miracle because ... OR
I'm struggling to see the miracle I am because ....

I love this post and your site! Really inspirational. I’ll keep checking your site for new post.
Thanks for sharing!
Short and hugely inspirational. Well done!
Love this!! We are all special in our own way and we sometimes we forget that.
I agree! Everyone is special, they just do not see it.
Great article and emotional too.