Born in China with a cleft lip, orphaned, then living in foster homes until she was seven, Ashleigh wished her life
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Top 5 Most Popular Stories 2021
There’s a shift happening. You and I, we are experiencing a shake-up across the globe. I’m in Cyprus, unable to visit my homeland for two years now. Where are you? What has been your experience in 2021? Have you experienced pain or loss, have you experienced great growth or hardship?
There is not one of us who hasn’t been touched by what’s happening across our planet. Some have lost family, livelihood, and endured lockdowns. Others have grown their businesses or migrated to new countries. We are all going through this together. At the same time, a global narrative of uncertainty and fear has caused people to argue, divide and disconnect with each other.
It doesn’t have to be that way. When we take the time to listen to another’s viewpoint in context of their life story – then it helps us show empathy and understanding. In times of great change, it’s important we share our stories and listen to the stories of others with an open heart. Because sharing our stories will play a vital role in maintaining love, peace, and harmony.
In this issue we share the TOP 5 most read stories this year. Thank you for engaging with the writers and being part of our Daily Inspired Life community. And a special thank you to you who have shared your story in 2021.
I wish you all a beautiful story for 2022 and years to come.
Karletta Marie

Live the Life You Love - The First Step I sat in a comfortable chair under the shade of a Royal Poinciana,
This powerful and touching story shows us how we can continue the legacy of our lost loved ones while drawing inspiration to
Photograph by Mohd Aram, Unsplash Inspirational story about an ordinary village boy from India who grew up on a cashew farm. His
Newly divorced, with no prospects for a 57 year old woman living in a foreign country, Cynthia thought her life was over.
Janine Durso recently shared her inspiring story "The Love Ripple. After her story was published, we asked Janine to tell us what it
Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love. ~ Mother Teresa