Your Story. Your Legacy | You are the only person who can tell your unique story. At the same time, your story interconnects with the story of your family, your community, your country, and humanity as a whole.
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Legacy of Love
I'll admit that part of me hesitated to publish this issue with a dedicated legacy focus. Talking about legacy requires us to consider our own mortality, our inevitable passing from this planet. This might not be a top-of-the-list topic you'd choose to indulge in. However, when I see a pattern emerging from stories coming across my desk, I listen. I take these stories as an indication of how we might be feeling as a community.
Many have lost loved ones over the past two years. And sharing stories is a way for us to remember and honour our loved ones. We also draw comfort from one another, knowing we are not alone. Plus, these heart-felt stories are beautiful and inspire us to live better lives.
As you read, I hope for you, these 3 things ...
#1 That you acknowledge the power you have to deeply touch the life of another human being - in life and long after your life on earth is made complete.
#2 That you are inspired to tell your loved ones how you feel about them while they are still with you.
#3 That you tell and share your own story as a priceless legacy gift for your family, friends, and others who choose to read your story.
Wishing you a love filled February 2022.
Karletta Marie xo

My Two Dads: Their Legacy Can’t be Measured in Monetary Terms by Fathima Meer | Inspiring Story #133
Your legacy can be so much more than money, or property left in a will…
Danielle had something important to say to her stepfather. When he passed away, unsaid words remained in her heart. Not wishing this regret fall upon another, Danielle is inspired to create something special to guide others in saying what they need to say.
It is a humbling and honoring feat to leave a legacy of love …
Susan H Evans shared her inspiring short story “True Grits”. After her story was published, we asked Susan to tell us what it was like to share her story…
Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you. ~ Shannon L. Alder
Inspirational Movies Based On True Stories
A true story of the mystery package that inspires a young Australian girl to travel to South Africa and create her true freedom-to-travel lifestyle.35 years ago, a mystery package arrived in our mailbox. It was a big, rectangular, yellow-golden envelope, and I could feel the soft, spongy bubble wrap inside. The name on the front
Even when we don’t know what to do or say, this powerful story shows us that sometimes just being there for someone is more than enough.My friend, Arlene, was always unapologetically frank and opinionated. A life force to be reckoned with, she made her presence and preferences known in most situations. She was a single
When Michelle’s father passes away, she makes a shocking discovery that teaches her a powerful life lesson that will impact her every day.