Nature Speaks to us
All the time
In so many ways
Nature Connects with us
If only we Allow and Give
This Connection a Chance
Nature Loves us
And Proves it
On every occasion
Nature is Not Separate from us
We are ONE with Nature
Whether we recognize it or not
Let's Open Ourselves To Nature
Looking for the Gifts Offered
In Oneness with "All That Is"
This Story of
The Golden Beetle
Clearly Shows
A Desire to Unite
To Show UnConditional Love
In Total Trust of Our Good Nature
It all happens
One of these mornings...
Having spent the night in Nature
All around A Sacred Fire Ritual
I had animated the night before
Bathing into the Energies
Of a Powerful Full Moon
In this Here and Now Moment
Fifteen of us, all Together
Decide to climb up
The little mountain nearby
To A Sacred Space on top
To Sing Our Gratitude
To Pray on the Vibration of the drum
I Play the drum
We Sing, We Pray
Forever Thankful for
This Blissful Moment
I lay the drum on my knees
As we Enter an Instant of Silence
Out of Nowhere
A tiny "rock" falls right there
Onto the drum... in a dry "toc"
Surprising us all
Out of Our Meditation
I take the drum in hands
Lift it up to eyesight
To Observe this little "stone"
Fallen from the sky
To see with Astonishment
It is No Pebble at all
Indeed, it is an Insect
Yes, one of these Hard-Shell Beetles
But, No regular one
Not a common black one
No, No, No, this One is
Made of Pure Gold! WOW
I take her into my hands
I look at her from all angles
I am so Impressed
I can't believe my eyes
Contemplating so much Beauty
Dropped onto the drum, from Heaven
Feeling Complete with my observation
I circulate the drum
All around the Circle
So everyone gets a Chance
To admire this Divine Beauty
Offered to us in this moment
The drum moves forward
From one to the other
The Golden Beetle being
Manipulated in every way
By everyone, no exception
Without any movement
Of resistance whatsoever
As the drum gets back to me
With The Golden Beetle
Still lying down on it
Totally Inert
As if she was Dead
Leaving me Perplexed as to How would she
Have reached the drum in the first place?
So, in an instant of
Deep Solemnity
I look at her with Love
And Speak to her
From My Heart
In these terms...
Ohhhh, Dearest Sister Beetle
Thank You so very much for
Visiting all of us here this morning
To Connect with us and
To Show Yourself in all of Your Beauty
Now, I Feel this Sacred Moment
Coming to Completion
Not Knowing for sure
If you are Dead or Alive?
So, I am Telling you...
If you are Dead
I will Honor you
By taking you home with me
And placing you on my altar
If you are Alive
It is time Now
To open your wings and fly away
Back to your life out there in Nature
Incredibly, like out of a dream state
Our Divine Friend opens her wings
And flies away in the blink of an eye
Leaving us all speechless
Can you Imagine the Power
Of such A Divine Encounter
A Pure Demonstration of
UnConditional Love and Trust
A Banal Insect, one could think
Freely Falling, Dead onto the drum
Making Herself Vulnerable and at risk
To Fulfill this Sacred Connection
Allowing each one of us
To manipulate her at will
Looking at her from all sides
Showing Herself in all of Her Beauty
Leaving us Transformed
Blessing Our Hearts
Impacting Our Lives
With Her Love and Trust
I am Forever Thankful
For This Holy Moment
Such a Blessing it was
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Meet Alayana
I am a Healer, a Mystic, a Spiritual Life Coach, an Ascension Guide!
I was committed to myself... to finding the Truth about Who I was under all of the "masks".
It also looked like I was determined to Transcend all Limitations hindering me.

Later, hearing about the Ascension of Beloved Mother Gaïa and all of Humanity, I chose to benefit from these Transitional Times to make My Own Ascension in this Incarnation and Dedicated myself to the Sacred Inner Work needed to Manifest this as a reality.
But, never has it been about myself alone... I was clear about my will to Be a Living Example, an Inspiration, a Mentor for all of My Universal Brothers and Sisters who would so Choose.
I walked the path and still am here now as we navigate through these chaotic times!
Connect with Alayana here: https://m.facebook.com/DeguireA
Promise of a Peach Blossom
Inspiring story about hope and healing after hurt ...

I loved this, especially when the beetle opened her wings in response to you and flew away. We are all connected. Life is a holy mystery.
Nature is so good for our body, mind and soul. Always inspires me!
Love the poem! If we listen closely, nature does talk to us. Now that it’s spring, I love outdoors
Nature is just nature. Nothing’s comparable. It’s full of serenity and goodness.
This is beautiful the way you describe our connection to nature – and our collective participation in sustaining life and love. I’d like to hear more from you – especially in relation “Leaving us Transformed” … In what way were you transformed, in what way were others transformed? What was the conversation after?