I Fell In Love With a Cone Head: My Grandson | by Patricia Hunt Holmes | Inspiring Story #204 -

I Fell In Love With a Cone Head: My Grandson | by Patricia Hunt Holmes | Inspiring Story #204

 Corporate lawyer Patricia wasn’t ready to be a grandmother—especially when he didn’t look like the baby she imagined.

But one moment changed everything...

Waiting for my son-in-law to come into the freezing, stark waiting room to tell us that my first grandson had arrived, I was thinking about the sweater I wished I had worn rather than my impending life change.  Becoming a grandmother was something I had never been particularly interested in.  

I was at the peak of my career as a corporate lawyer with a full load of the work that I loved.  I didn’t have time for what I imagined as “grandmotherly responsibilities.”  Finally, “Jack Hayden Archer” has arrived, his beaming father entered and announced.

The excited family trouped down the narrow hall to the nursery where an expressionless nurse held the baby wrapped in a pale blue blanket for us to view. When she pulled back the blanket from his head there was a hush.

Jack had a cone head. His face was red. And at over eleven pounds, he was huge! Especially set among a room full of tiny, pretty, pink babies.

I pictured his beautiful, petite mother and wondered how she could have produced this strange looking thing after three days of labor.

I pictured his beautiful, petite mother and wondered how she could have produced this strange looking thing after three days of labor.

Later, in her room, I lovingly watched my daughter nestle the little giant to her breast.  The look on her face was pure love.  When she handed my grandson to me, I felt his warmth.  His chubby little fingers wrapped around mine and I realized I wanted to be with him more than anything.  His dark brown eyes seemed to say, “I love you, grandmom.”

I no longer noticed his cone head.  It was about the meeting of our hearts. 

Patricia Hunt Holmes PhD, JD

Patricia Hunt Holmes, PhD, JD, is a retired public finance attorney and former professor with expertise in nonprofit healthcare and rural electric cooperative finance. Recognized in Best Lawyers in America and Texas Super Lawyers, she has also published in Texas Lawyer and spoken at national conferences.

Patricia holds a PhD in Russian and South Asian History and a JD from the University of Houston. She is the author of two novels, Searching for Pilar and Crude Ambition, and is actively involved in Houston’s social service community, including serving as a Trustee for the Houston Grand Opera.

Connect with Patricia by leaving a comment below or visiting her website and Substack:www.patriciahuntholmes.com | Substack: [email protected]


 Manndi remembers a special time with Grandpa. As you read her touching story, allow your heart to be stirred as you ponder the joy grandparents bring into our lives.

>> Click here to read

Share the Inspiration
  • He is so adorable and nothing beats the love you have for your grandson, it just hits you the moment you look at him and take him in, it clicks right then and there.

  • I wish my mum would show her granddaughter this kind of love and acceptance. It really makes a difference when family members embrace each other’s uniqueness.

  • Gervin Khan says:

    Oh my goodness, your grandson Jack is the cutest. I am not surprised you fell in love with him the time you met him.

  • I can relate to this. I am visiting my first grandson in December, whom I haven’t seen since he was born. Like you, I am excited to hug and carry him.

  • Stacie Ki says:

    This is so sweet. I think my parents feel the same way about my son, and it’s honestly the best thing to watch, especially now that I get to see how much my son loves my parents.

  • Leanne says:

    This is so sweet! Jack is the cutest little guy. I’m not surprised you fell in love with him and his cone head. LOL

  • Beth says:

    This touches my heart so much. It’s an almost instant thing when you get to hold that little bundle of joy. It just hits you.

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