Just before Christmas, 77-year-old Aunt DeeDee got scammed and didn't have enough money to pay her rent. Little did she know about a secret stash of kindness coins about to come her way ...

Every week, I save all the change and $1 bills I have in my purse and wallet. Then, every Christmas, I cash it in for as many $100 bills the saved money gets me. I then wait until God leads me to a family in need. I split the money in half, then give half to the family in need and the other half to my nine-year-old, who puts it in his savings account to teach him delayed gratification. Then he helps me get gifts or give the money to the family God leads us to.
This week, I got a call from my cousin, who is 77 years old. She was upset. She had been scammed, and the scammers took all the money out of her checking account. She lives off her SS check and now doesn’t have the money to pay her rent and bills.
Now, no one besides my son and I know that I saved this money. This morning, I took the money and showed my son, Say'Veon, how much I saved this year. I told him what happened to Aunt DeeDee and then asked him if he would be willing to give his half along with my half and donate it to her as our person in need this year.
He said, “Yes, of course,” knowing Aunt DeeDee does not have anyone other than us to care about her. This year, our total was $400.

We went to visit Aunt DeeDee, and my son handed her a Christmas card with four $100 bills. She opened it and said, “Thank you.” She then looked again and realized they were $100 bills. Her mouth fell open, and she said, “These are not real.”
I said, “Yes, they are."
With tears running down her face and her mouth quivering, she said, “Now I can pay my rent.”
Her mouth fell open, and she said, “These are not real.”
Aunt DeeDee said she felt bad and stupid for being scammed. I told her lots of intelligent people get scammed, and I wished I could give her all the money she needed for this month and explained how I save money and give it to a family in need.
She said, “Guess I am family, and I am in need this year.” She cried the whole time. She told my son that God would bless him since he gave up his half.
Say'Veon loves God above anyone on earth, including me. I told him that's the way it's supposed to be. I am so thankful for his loving heart; this is not the first time he has given the money he earned to someone else who needs it more. The money he earned for certain things this summer—$300 —he gave it all away.
Say'Veon’s acts of kindness always blow me away, and I feel blessed to have him in my life. I adopted him after his mother, a close friend of mine, passed away from cancer before his fifth birthday. Even though Say’Veon has dealt with great loss and trauma at such a young age, his generous spirit and loving heart shine through.
Say'Veon has taught me that children, despite hardship, when nurtured lovingly, have so much capacity to give and show compassion to others. I have also learned the power in my kindness coins. I wish you to start a kindness coin jar, too.
~ Jeannette Cumpston

Touching story of human kindness. On a bus from Phoenix to LA a woman hands over her last forty dollars. But that wasn't the end of her story...
What great lessons this story has. Saving, teaching delayed gratification, and how nurturing and showing love to children can make them compassionate human beings.
In these tough times, although giving to someone in need is admirable, saving your change could also help pay your own debts. In my case, a couple years back, when we were financially constrained, the spare change we collected during the year paid for our car’s service.
I’m also a firm believer of delayed gratification. In a world where instant gratification is everything, I have also taught my children (though I’m not sure if they approved) that they would not get anything as soon as they ask.
It terrifies me to think what kind of adults will be created from the children in war-torn countries. How broken they must be and how much love and nurturing will be required to make them whole again? Will they be angry adults out for revenge?
Thanks again, for this beautiful read. As always, Daily Inspired Life pushes us to do more, be more, give more …
Thank you Fathima .. you make such good points there. Very sad to see what some children are having to grow through. I pray for a new way – and that the children will see the futility of war and see a different way to the older generations.
We live in a world where simple people with limited means can AND do things such as what your son did for somebody in desperate and immediate need. Imagine if the billionaires and trillionaires of the world would do this often! Famine and war would be subjects of fiction books, not stark reality. Hats off to you and your son!
What a wonderful story and a beautiful nature you have instilled in your son!
Jenny, thank you for the compliment! I try my best to teach him good things in life. Hugs
Hi Jeannette,
What a lovely story! How great to read of such generosity and modeling the same with loving guidance to a son, who offers freely to others not once but on multiple occasions! Thank you for sharing!
Hi Amy, thank you for sharing your thoughts about our story. Hopefully more people will try this. Hugs
Jeannette, what a beautiful story and more importantly you have formed a young man who will give to others the rest of his life.
Tom, Say’veon has always wanted to share his candy with me so I extended his sharing to others in need. He gets excited to see the look on their faces, that they are greatful. He tells me it makes his heart warm. hugs
I am so inspired by this!! Love this idea!!
Hello, I am so happy you got inspired. Hope you try this you will feel great in your heart. hugs
Such a heartfelt story! We need more moments like these in the world
Cheyenne, I agree we all need the more moments we see and hear about gives us hope all is not lost. Hugs
I hate that she was scammed tis the season for that, I wish people would put all that time to looking for a real job inside just taking from others as if they are owed…..shameful
Jen, it sure is a shame. Seems to me their doing it more and more. We need to remind our love ones their out there. Hugs
Love this! Such a great idea, may be I will try it and involve my kids too. Agree that kids can def learn compassion and each one of us have something to give
This story, so important and so profound, touched my heart. So thank you for supporting this!
Cristina, so happy this touched your heart. We as parents must teach our children the importance of giving. It helps both the giver and receiver. Hugd