Pretty Lady | An Inspiring Life Lesson by Tiffany Wendy Ann York | Inspiring Story #42 - Daily Inspired Life

Pretty Lady | An Inspiring Life Lesson by Tiffany Wendy Ann York | Inspiring Story #42

inspirational piece about life - pretty lady rose

Inspiring Life Lesson in just 30 Seconds ... 

This rose is called a Pretty Lady.

When she was a bud, something chewed on her, leaving gaping holes in her petals.

I was sure this bloom was lost.

Damaged, beyond repair, I thought.

I meant to cut the bud off to give the more perfect ones a better chance.

I forgot.

This Pretty Lady is what I found this morning. In spite of her damage her beauty comes through. She was determined to raise her face to the sun, and bloom.

Are we not all as determined as a rose โ€“ this Pretty Lady?

Life Lesson Reflection

Take a moment to reflect upon these words and what they mean to you.  

  • How are you like the Pretty Lady?
  • Does it  feel like something or someone has "eaten away" at your being? 
  • What courage have you shown in being where you are today?
  • How will you celebrate that you have survived and arrived here today, in this moment?

    Please leave your comments below.  

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  • Sarah says:

    I love your illustration, there is so many important life lessons to be learned from nature!

  • Fran Jorgensen says:

    This reflection has inspired me today to make a pause and reflect on where I am at. Thank you so much for sharing!

  • Amber says:

    I feel as though I doubt myself a lot. But I have to keep strong and trust the challenges that I face, and believe that everything will fall into place.

  • Inspiring words in the form of short poetry. It is mostly the life story of everyone.

  • Kalyan Panja says:

    This is the beauty of life that has hope and renewal. The important thing for me is to live every moment and not think too much about yesterday but rather forget it to keep going.

  • Knycx says:

    Thanks for sharing and the inspiration. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

  • Sarah says:

    What an amazing analogy! We have all been there at some point in our lives, but time is a great healer.

  • Lisa says:

    This is a great analogy. Most of us experience being a โ€˜pretty ladyโ€™ at some points in our life. We need to find the strength to move on.

  • Lala says:

    I had gone through a lot in the past years. I thought my courage wonโ€™t be enough to make me face the hardships. But one thing that keeps me going until now is Godโ€™s love. I never thought I will be able to pass the struggles that Iโ€™m facing. But now that Iโ€™m here, I feel so much blessed and grateful to those who comes and goes in my life. I believe God let me met with people to learn more about my being. Thatโ€™s what I love about my life so far. And I celebrate them by being thankful for everything.

    • kdadmin says:

      Thank you for sharing that with us Lala. Itโ€™s amazing when we see Godโ€™s love act in our life and make up for all that we are lacking. Iโ€™m so glad you shared that with us today.

  • i like that analogy. i think one of the ways people are โ€˜eaten awayโ€™ is when they give value or time to those they do not want to. this personally i find is a hard thing to overcome as i am so often thinking about being polite and โ€˜obligatedโ€™. it reminds me of a conversation i had with a co-worker when we were talking about our top values/life goals and she said, โ€˜to live selfishlyโ€™

    • kdadmin says:

      Thanks for sharing this Rhey. I was having a conversation yesterday about the same thing. Life is too precious. When we learn to take care of ourselves, we are in a better position to take care of others (especially when it comes to our time) I think the key is having good loving boundaries. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  • Melissa says:

    What a motivational message!

  • Viano Dee says:

    Well, Iโ€™ve had my own share of pain and struggles but I never let such break me. I have fears but Iโ€™ve learned to face them. Through it all, Iโ€™ve learned to grow.

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