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Almost Sixty and Starting Over by Cynthia C. | Inspiring Story #101

Newly divorced, with no prospects for a 57 year old woman living in a foreign country, Cynthia thought her life was over.That was until a chance meeting with an older woman on her flight back to the USA changed her perspective about life and starting over.  The marriage is officially over. I can’t say that I’m […]

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Meaningful Movies Based on True Stories

Meaningful Movies Based On True StoriesINSPIRING MOVIE #6LOVING Based on the landmark Supreme Court case, an interracial couple fights the law that they cannot be recognized as married in the state of Virginia.   Here are 5 meaningful messages from this true story …Love is powerful.  Faced with strong opposition, the Lovings continued their fight to […]

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Live In Hope | Quote by Barbara Kingsolver

The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof.

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The Forgotten Gifts of Christmas by Manndi Maphies DeBoef | Inspiring Story #131

Whether we celebrate Christmas or not, whether we spend today with others or alone, we each receive at least one of these five gifts today … On the way home from celebrating Christmas with the family, my oldest son, Liam, and I were riding together. We did not turn on the radio once (which is unheard […]

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