Born To Be Different by Ashleigh Ewald | Inspiring Story #89
Born in China with a cleft-lip and orphaned, Ashleigh wished her life might be different. Be inspired by Ashleigh’s story as she shares how she turned her challenges into her power …
Born in China with a cleft-lip and orphaned, Ashleigh wished her life might be different. Be inspired by Ashleigh’s story as she shares how she turned her challenges into her power …
Our world is full of unsung heroes; real-life heroes who show up in times of disaster at great sacrifice to themselves…When Kim was born with a growth hormone deficiency, doctors said her brain wouldn’t develop normally and she wouldn’t amount to much. But she proved them wrong. Today, Kim’s sister, Nicky, honors Kim as her unsung […]
Imagine growing up in an environment where kindness was a foreign concept. Imagine knowing nothing else beyond the boundaries of your home. Imagine what it takes to escape, at only 21, with no money and no job, just a desire for freedom …
Determined to fulfill her life-long dream to shine in the spotlight, Mara quits her job and runs away with the circus, where she learns the ultimate lesson in vulnerability Secretly I always wanted to be on stage and shine in the spotlight. When I was twenty-six years old, I quit my security job in Switzerland, to run […]
When young Cari meets a mysterious stranger on a beach in Mexico, she gets a lesson that will impact her for many years to come.
Do you have a dream to travel the world? Meet Krystal … a woman who trains horses, travels the world and empowers other women as she goes!
An inspirational story of a woman who, when everything was against her, decided never to give up on her business dream.