They Paid Our Check! | Story of Human Kindness by Jack Glynn| Inspiring Story #69

They Paid Our Check! | Story of Human Kindness by Jack Glynn| Inspiring Story #69

Here's a story to lift your spirits and help you remember there's kindness in humanity.

I’ve been extremely discouraged with how toxic the media has been, so outside of wishing happy birthdays, I’ve stayed clear. If I don’t have anything positive to offer, then why bring negativity? That’s the plan I’ve tried to follow…

Last night was a night that helped remind us of who’s out there. I hope you will see what I saw in humanity …

My wife Nancy, and I went out to dinner for the first time since things changed for everyone months ago. We went to Mia Regazza in Marshfield.

We had a great dinner with some needed laughs. I grew up with John, the owner of Mia’s.

He is as kind a man as you’ll ever meet. 

 He bought us a round of drinks and wouldn’t take “no” for an answer (which translated to two drinks for Nancy and water for the non-drinker, Mr. Excitement)

We spotted some old friends across the patio and asked our waitress to buy them a round of drinks, but don’t tell them it’s from us until after we leave.

When it came time to pay the bill, the waitress explained that an anonymous person donated $10,000 during the pandemic to be given out in gift cards to first responders until its depleted.

So, because I’m a firefighter and paramedic, our bill had $50 taken off.

I gave the waitress my card to run through and when she brought it back, there was only a note that said, “It’s all set, have a great night!”

When we asked her “who?”, she pointed to our friends across the patio. I asked her if she told them about the round of drinks, we bought them and she laughed, saying, “I didn’t tell them until after they paid the remainder of your check, they didn’t know”.

It’s nothing profound, but hopefully this may reboot a few hearts a little. There are so many good people out there.

“How do we change the world? One random act of kindness at a time”.

READ ANOTHER STORY | Determined to fulfill her life-long dream to shine in the spotlight, Mara quits her job and runs away with the circus, where she learns the ultimate lesson in vulnerability 

>> Click here to read

Share the Inspiration
  • SM says:

    Simple yet beautiful story. Spreading so much positive vibes. Thanks for sharing.


  • Christina says:

    What a wonderful story to share! I love hearing about small acts of kindness.

  • Gamu says:

    Humility. Good people still exist

  • I also felt that lately social media was starting to become too negative. I’ve also stayed clear. But you’ve given me an idea:create a pay it forward moment within my online group. Thank you for the inspiration!

    • kdadmin says:

      I love that our story inspired you today. Please let us know more about your pay it forward initiative.

  • What a beautiful story. I needed to hear a bit of human kindness today. Thank you for sharing.

  • Lauren says:

    This was such a refreshing read. My heart is warmed and as you said, it does restore hope in humanity.

  • Shay says:

    It’s always so heartwarming to hear stories like this one, so much good is still left in the world.

  • Emily says:

    What a heartwarming story! When going to Starbucks/Scooters, I always pay for the car behind me too. You never know who’s having an awful day or could use a pick me up. Small acts of kindness make big changes 🙂

  • This made my heart happy. There really are so many good people out there!

  • I love reading stories like this, the world needs more of this right now. We need to UNITED, not fractured and remember how we all human at the end of the day.

  • Wow, that’s awesome, I have had my own fair share of kindness too

  • That’s so sweet. I had people ahead of me pay my bill in the drive through once, and it made my day. Kindness and generosity change lives in small ways (or large ways) every single day.

  • Nishtha says:

    This is beautiful! Thank you for sharing this inspirational story and for letting everyone know that goodness is still here! It is the small gestures that make
    the huge differences.

  • Carol Graham says:

    Loved this encouraging story as always. Everyone has a choice of how they live their lives. Those who are kind and gracious in the good times don’t change when things get rough.

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