At only 59 Years of Age Barrie Goes For Her Dream Job as a Flight Attendant. A short story about not giving up on your dreams.
Since I was about ten years old, I've had the dream of becoming a flight attendant.
As I got older, I chose to put that dream on hold. I wanted to have a family and I wanted to full-time parent my kids. Kudos to those who chose a different path, but for me, that was MY decision.
My children have now grown, my business sold, and my travel agency gig is going great. At only 59 years old, I still have my dreams and I still wanted to be a flight attendant.
I didn’t want to look back on my life and regret not at least trying to achieve my dream. So, I contacted a genius friend and asked her to help me put a resume together. She did, and it was top-notch.

I did extensive research on all the airlines, focusing on employee satisfaction. Who wants to work with people who aren't happy with their job or their company?
I picked two airlines who would become my first two choices. I wanted to focus on one company at a time, so I started with my first choice. I read everything I could get my eyeballs on about the company; the history, mission, fleet, bases … all the information I could get hold of.
I sent in my resume and within a couple of days, I received an invitation to attend a group interview. In preparation for my interview, I picked the brains of a couple of flight attendant friends, who were supportive of me pursuing my dream. A few of my flight attendant friends were not so supportive. Oh well!
I headed to the group interview. I couldn't have been more prepared. Still, I was nervous as crap! When I met with the group of other candidates, I wondered what my chances would be like. All the other candidates were amazing!
Would I make it to round two – the face-to-face interview?
I was invited to stay for the face-to-face interview and I really connected with my recruiter. I had him in stitches, we laughed and chatted. I answered his questions to the best of my ability.
As I left the interview room he told me that he had never laughed so hard during an interview. He said I would hear back within two weeks. I left that room high as a kite.
I felt good and thought I really nailed it.
I went home the next day and that’s when the self-doubt set in - not my usual modus operandum.
The two-week wait was torture.
Exactly two weeks later, I got a 'CONGRATULATIONS' email from the airline. I’d got the job!
To say I was on cloud nine is an understatement. I hadn’t worked for another person in thirty years. Winning my dream job felt like I'd won the lottery!
I'd like to say it was all smooth flying from there, but life can send you a few curve balls along the way. Due to a name change on my paperwork coinciding with a government shutdown there were all kinds of hassles during my training period. But I wouldn't quit on my dream.
I showed up for another interview with another choice airline. And I got the job!
Since then, I've turned 60 and continue to progress in my flight attendant career. I’ve participated in numerous airline trainings, flown across more skies than I can count and have met the most amazing people - both crew and passengers along the way. I was recently offered my dream job with American Airlines. I’m so excited I could squeal!

My office view flying over Vermont
Recently after finishing a four-day trip, my very last passenger to deplane my very last flight absolutely made my week.
On her way out, she took my hand and looked me in the eye and said, “Who do I tell about your awesomeness? I watched you the entire flight and you treated every passenger as if they were in first class. Even the lady who rolled her eyes at you when you didn’t have a pillow to give her. It’s such a rare thing these days to watch somebody work a job that they love, and you clearly love your job.”
She was right. There's a proverb, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” I feel this to be true. I love my job and I am proud of myself for going for it.
I feel I am finally doing something for me. I’m fulfilling a life-long dream.

I love everything about this post. I feel our country has many blatant examples of ageism, so I’m delighted that you persevered in spite of difficulties and obstruction. I hope our paths cross in the friendly skies and wish you all the best on this new journey.
Oh, how I love this post. It makes me have hope that I will work again. I am in my mid-forties and trying to find a job has been difficult for so many reasons. I have thought about being a flight attendant as I went to school for travel and tourism and then went into HR. You give me hope! Thank you!
What an incredibly inspiring story! I love this! Just goes to show that you shouldn’t give up on your dreams, no matter how old you are, or how you’ve lived your life up until this post. And what a dream; travel and adventure in the clouds. Lovely. Thanks for this!
How inspiring! I really have so many things I want to do, but everything has been put on hold for now. This makes me feel good in so many ways.
That is so amazing to hear! Congratulations! The way you talk about your dream and how you never stopped until you got what you aspired is so beautiful and inspirational to read.
This is so refreshing; reading your post I can feel your excitement and enthusiasm to be doing your dream job. You are making a difference in the lives of people you meet on the flights and in the airports with your caring and kindness! Never underestimate how much impact you can have on someone you meet, even if only briefly.
That is so amazing! I’m super proud of you. You’re never too young to live your dreams.
Oh this was so inspiring to read. I am SO proud of you and am blown away by the enthusiasm who you show off every minute of your work! Really excited to read more about your experience 🙂