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All posts in "Human Kindness"

Village Boy Finds a Way then Pays It Forward | By Nawaz Khan | Inspiring Story #109

A boy from a poor family in a small village travels to the city to get a job to pay for his education. There a strange man approaches with an offer the boy is both afraid to accept, but can’t refuse.

Be inspired by Nawaz’s remarkable story as he works through his fears, embraces opportunities and ultimately passes on the gift he was given to others in his village.

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The Forgotten Gifts of Christmas by Manndi Maphies DeBoef | Inspiring Story #131

Whether we celebrate Christmas or not, whether we spend today with others or alone, we each receive at least one of these five gifts today … On the way home from celebrating Christmas with the family, my oldest son, Liam, and I were riding together. We did not turn on the radio once (which is unheard […]

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