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The One I Fight With & The One I Love | By Karletta Marie | Inspiring Story #121

One early mid-October evening a romantic beach walk turns into a foot-stomping fight. In this short story, we highlight the positive side of being able to argue with the ones we love.Beyond the horizon, over the Mediterranean sea, a softening sun shone upon angel wings spread across the sky.  Feathery clouds played about, draped in […]

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My Ted | Story about Adoption Hurt & Healing by Simon Benn | Inspiring Story #102

Simon didn’t think he had any issue with being adopted.  That was until he found out his childhood teddy bear had been a gift from his birth mother …  I never knew I had an issue with being adopted.   That was until my 40th birthday.  That evening my parents arrived to take my wife and I out […]

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Falling for The One by Hannah Teslin | Inspiring Story #57

A short story about finding love, facing your fears, and discovering who ‘The One’ really is.  Six years ago, I moved to Germany to be with a guy who I thought was ‘The One’. Crazy in love, I boarded a plane to move to an unfamiliar land where I didn’t know anyone except ‘The One’.  As […]

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Our Mother-Daughter Relationship Renewal with Saniya | Inspiring Story #41

A fun & thoughtful story about mother-daughter relationships… “Our fiery fight started in the heart of London.  It was an argument that would end all our arguments, and yet you wouldn’t believe what it started over… Have you ever had a fight with someone you love?  The kind of fight that starts out like the flicker of […]

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A Kibbutz Kind of Love Story | Inspiring Story #36

Marguerite volunteers to work on a Kibbutz, where she falls deeply in love with a handsome Jewish man. They plan to spend the rest of their life as husband and wife… but it seems the great divide between religion and race may keep them apart forever … or will it?Five weeks into my seven-week stay […]

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