This is the story of a tiny yellow flower expressing herself willfully, reaching out to the Universe, wanting to share her Beauty, her Light and her Love for All...
This morning,
Being out there
In Nature
For my daily walk
I am Blessed with
A Meaningful Encounter
Oh, you couldn't guess...
Neither was I
To suspect
Such a Sacred Meeting
In between blades of grass
Hidden in this sea of greens
As I am crossing
This huge soccer field
Looking for Beauty
All around, as always
I pass by a tiny yellow flower
Barely noticed from the corner of my eye
Insignificant, I could have thought...
Before hearing
The Calling of my name
Alain, Alainnnnn
Stopping me in my steps
Forcing me to backtrack
Intuitively, I understood...
This tiny yellow flower
Had seen an Opportunity
She couldn't let pass her by
She had to seize Now
If she were to come out of the shadow
Back there, face to face
With this minute Beauty
A quarter of an inch in diameter, at most
Hard to even see from my standing place
Almost lost, but not quite
In this vast ocean of lawn
Spontaneously, she Greets me
Introducing herself as
The Tiny Yellow Flower
With a Gargantuan Will
To Better Her World
Alain, I Am Beautiful
Don't you think?
I Am Enough
I Deserve to Be Seen
I Want to Make a Difference
To Brighten My Universe
I Reached out to you, Alain
I thought you could Help me
Would you?
Take my picture
For people to see
As you Tell My Story
Would you, Alain?
Oh, how could I not, Dear Flotinya
You are Absolutely Beautiful
And, though you are minuscule
You are Not Insignificant
Your Powerful Intention
Truly, Transforms Your Reality
I took a first picture
From my waist level
Then, zoomed in
Four times closer
Finally kneeling in front of her
For still a more defined view...
Flotinya in all of her Beauty
Out to the whole Universe
To Observe and See
To Be Enlightened
To Be Taught even
Such a Powerful Lesson...
None is ever too small
To Be a Catalyst for Transformation
To Deeply and Kindly Touch
Those with an open mind
A Desire to Understand
To Grow and to Learn
At first, Self-Love is Our Power
Recognizing Our Own Beauty
Our Gifts, Our Talents
And, Our Willingness
To Use All That We Are
For the Greatest Good of All
Then, Life Brings about Opportunities
For us to Grasp
Leading us from Darkness to Light
So We can Be all We can Be...
Like Flotinya,
We need to Seize them in the moment
The Lesson for us Now is...
Believe in yourself
You are Enough
Perfect, Exactly as you are
You have so much to Offer
You Make a Difference
Co-Creator of a Better Place to Live
Remember... you are your worst enemy
You define your own limitations
It is Now time to Let Go of
Doubts, fears, negativity, self-sabotage
Time to Become Your Greatest Fan
You can do it! You've got this!
Be like Flotinya
Reach out for Help
Surround yourself with Supporters
Know Your Value
Follow Your Heart
Jump on the Opportunity
Show Your Beauty
Shine Your Light
Share Your Love
Sing Your Song
Spread Joy and Happiness
Hope and Peace
In the end,
Flotinya asks me
Well, she asks you all
She dares you even, if you will
To play your part
In Sharing Her Message, Her Story
It may Make a Difference...
Help, Support, Touch and Transform others
As it may have you and me
Follow Your Heart
Do as it Feels Best from within
For All is Well, always!
Thank You Flotinya
For Calling upon me
For Connecting with me
For Speaking Your Truth
Making Your Voice Heard
For all who desire!
Infinite Gratitude
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Meet Alayana
I am a Healer, a Mystic, a Spiritual Life Coach, an Ascension Guide!
I was committed to myself... to finding the Truth about Who I was under all of the "masks".
It also looked like I was determined to Transcend all Limitations hindering me.

Later, hearing about the Ascension of Beloved Mother Gaïa and all of Humanity, I chose to benefit from these Transitional Times to make My Own Ascension in this Incarnation and Dedicated myself to the Sacred Inner Work needed to Manifest this as a reality.
But, never has it been about myself alone... I was clear about my will to Be a Living Example, an Inspiration, a Mentor for all of My Universal Brothers and Sisters who would so Choose.
I walked the path and still am here now as we navigate through these chaotic times!
Connect with Alayana here: https://m.facebook.com/DeguireA
READ ANOTHER STORY | Determined to fulfill her life-long dream to shine in the spotlight, Mara quits her job and runs away with the circus, where she learns the ultimate lesson in vulnerability

I Love this – it touches my soul! We are often looking for more, seeking something beyond, creating complexities for ourselves, when the simplicity of “all that is” are very often there, staring us in the face – perhaps if we pause, tune into our surroundings, allow, awaken up to “what is”, the magic happens.
This is such a beautiful story! It flowed like a poem and I love that
What a pretty little story almost like a poem. It has a nice sentiment and was refreshing to read something light and full of energy.
Beautiful story in a very interesting form. Yes, we all should be like Flotinya 🙂
Lovely story. As many say here without functional communication no beings can create something beautiful and meaningful. It was refreshing to read this and I look forward to more stories like this one.