Daily Inspired Life Magazine | Winter 2022-23 | We Are Our Meaning Makers - Daily Inspired Life

Daily Inspired Life Magazine | Winter 2022-23 | We Are Our Meaning Makers

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We are our Meaning Makers

ISSUE | WINTER 2022-23

“The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be. Being alive is the meaning”

― Joseph Campbell

As authors of our own lives, we create meaning by taking our experiences - whether wonderful, challenging, or tragic and linking these events to create the theme stories of our life. We are the meaning makers of our stories. We use these stories to understand ourselves and the world around us.

Something I observe time and time again with stories shared in our DIL community is the way the sharers make meaning out of their experiences. They face challenges, they have a problem to solve, they sometimes sit a while in dark wintery places ...

Yet, they don't stay there. They choose to become powerful meaning makers who learn from, share and inspire others through their experiences in a positive way.

As you read the stories in this issue, I invite you to consider the meaning you assign to your life experiences ... 

  • Is there a way I can turn that challenge into an opportunity?
  • Will I pass down my learned experience as wisdom for younger generations?
  • How do I want to write (or re-write) deeper meaning into my life?

As you ask yourself these questions, please connect with the authors and tell them how their story has inspired you or added meaning to your life in some way.

By reaching out to others, your experience is enhanced and you'll find deeper meaning in the message each story has for you.

Wishing you a wonderful Winter
(or Summer) depending on where you are in the world.

With love
Karletta Marie. 

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