Gratitude in Life | Stories of Gratitude (with examples) Showing the Power of Expressing Appreciation - Daily Inspired Life

Gratitude in Life | Stories of Gratitude (with examples) Showing the Power of Expressing Appreciation


Stories of Gratitude ... Showing You The Power of Gratitude to Transform Your Day (and life)

A number of years ago, I was faced with a life altering decisionโ€ฆ one that changed my life so profoundly, things would never be the same again.  It was a difficult choice filled with uncertainty, yet it marked the beginning of profound transformation.

Though the journey hasnโ€™t been without tears (and some still linger), I discovered a special gift that eased my grief and pain.  I found peace in something so simple yet incredibly healing โ€ฆ

Gratitude and appreciation for life in the minutest measures.

As I navigated my new life, frame by frame I saw the world through a different lens.  I saw  beauty magnified, and discovered how we can invite more happiness into our life through gratitude, even for the smallest things  โ€“ a raindrop on a leaf, a tongue of fire flickering, a crease in my palm, a bird chirp, a smile from a stranger, a new friend, light breaking through leaves, relationships strong enough to survive great change, I could go on โ€ฆ  

Thatโ€™s when gratitude became not a practice you DO; gratitude becomes part of your very existence. 

This collection of stories from our Daily Inspired Life community is an invitation to you to discover the meaning of gratitude, to give you examples of how different people express gratitude, and its transformative power.  

Through these narratives, we hope you find appreciation for your own life, seeing the everyday through a lens of wonder and appreciation.

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Experience healing and gratitude on sick days as Phyllis, a self-proclaimed hypochondriac, finds unexpected solace during a hospital stay. Join her inspiring journey and discover the powerful balm of gratitude for sickness.

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Now legally blind, Amy teaches us a beautiful life lesson …

What may seem mundane, what we may consider unremarkable, when given conscious attention, can give us our most treasured memories and exquisite gifts in life.

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Keri Harty’s โ€œGood Things Jar” is like a jar of bottled hope.  The little messages remind her and her family that we can still expect good things to come our way, even during the most difficult times.My family keeps a “Good Things Jar” on our kitchen table.  I have small cut pieces of paper and a

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Morning Gratitude. With the fast pace, and stresses of life, itโ€™s easy to let our mornings pass by as routine. In this short story, Annmarie takes us into a magical world of morning gratitude. This two-minute read has the power to change the outlook of your entire day

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One evening while enjoying a ride, Brad Johnson’s world is torn apart by a serious motorcycle accident. Two weeks after being released from the hospital, and still recovering, a deadly fire rages through his town. Brad is lucky to escape alive, with literally the shirt on his back, and his faithful dog Bella.

Rather than being defined by tragedy, Brad’s story is about his choice to celebrate life by giving back to others.

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Take a journey with Danielle Hayden as she reflects on her unique gratitude practice.  Will you be forever changed as she was? In January of 2018, I started a practice where each day I named five things I was grateful for and I prayed for five people. The challenge of this was that I could

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Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.

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An early self portrait by the author Sarra A.  A short story about showing kindness and gratitude to strangers.Be taken into the mind of thirteen year old Sarra as she travels alone, back to her home in Kuwait.   Along the way she meets an old man and learns the wonder of showing kindness and gratitude

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Just like those who've already shared their story, you'll find that sharing your story brings personal growth, connection, a supportive community, and opportunities you never imagined. Whether you're ready to pour your heart out, want to take a guided workshop, or looking to navigate your own storytelling adventure with our free guide, it all starts right here. 

Your story has the power to not only inspire others,  you'll unearth profound personal wisdom, and open up meaningful opportunities in your life. Embrace this opportunity today, and let's begin your unique narrative together.  Click a button below to begin your journey ... 

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