Roshni Rai shared her inspiring short story Run with Roshni – When Break-Up Leads to Breakthrough. After her story was published, we asked Roshni to tell us about her experience sharing her story with Daily Inspired Life readers. We hope Roshni's comments inspire you to share your story too.
Story Title
Run with Roshni – When Break-Up Leads to Breakthrough
About the Author
Roshni Rai, the founder of Run with Roshni, is a Gorkha girl from a village known as Pedong in the District of Kalimpong, West Bengal.
Roshni Rai is an advocate, an ultra-marathon runner, a motivational speaker and the Author of "From the Mountain to the Ocean".
She is a Goodwill Ambassador of the Everest marathon for India. Roshni ran the Comrades Marathon of 89km in South Africa in 2012, which she had dedicated as a tribute to all the Gorkha martyrs, who sacrificed their lives for Mother India and also for the cause of Gorkhaland. The longest distance run by Roshni is Bangalore Ultra Marathon 100km in November 2015.
How did you feel when you were first invited to share your story?
I felt very nice!
Describe any personal benefits sharing your story has brought you:
Sharing my story with DIL gave me international exposure.
Were you helped in anyway by the process to develop your story?
It was a challenge to streamline my story because I have so many experiences to share. I got all the required support to make it better.
Did sharing help you understand yourself more deeply?
My biggest lesson was to learn that my story is interesting and people did want to listen to me.
Did you enjoy the response you received from others in relation to your story? How So?
Yes. Infact, everybody was congratulating me.
Did sharing your story have an impact on others?
I am sure it has impacted others.
Would you recommend others share their story?
Yes because it helps one to understand oneself better.