Born in China with a cleft lip, orphaned, then living in foster homes until she was seven, Ashleigh wished her life
Right now, with so many people personally affected by events happening around the world, we need to find ways to create connection and build empathy through understanding.
I call to the Sky,
‘cry love’
I beg Earth,
‘drink of the tears’
For humanity
is parched
of compassion,
her thirst
longing to be
When we take the time to listen to the real stories of others; when we listen to their perspective, which is always different to ours, then our understanding of them and their circumstances completely broadens.
As we deepen our understanding of what each person is going through, then that builds empathy. Empathy can be the very thing, that moves our hearts into change or moves us to take action … from a place of love and compassion.

How have you been conditioned?
Each of us have been born into a set of certain circumstances. So, for example, I was born in Australia. Right from birth, I have been raised with a western style thinking, that's given me a set of ‘standards’ of what I’m ideally supposed to adhere to. I have been conditioned by my culture and many other influences in my upbringing; by my parent’s ideas, the education system, the media, by the people around me …
And just like I have been conditioned, other people too have experienced conditioning, but in a different way. What is considered ‘normal’ to them; what's acceptable to them, maybe completely different to our way of thinking.
Creating connection by bridging the gaps ...
So, how do we come together? How do we bridge the gap?
We bridge the gaps with empathy, compassion and understanding. We talk, we listen, we share. We lean into each other’s stories and we say, “Okay, I can understand why you did that”, or “Okay, I can understand why you're angry about that. I can understand why you feel that way.”
And though, no matter how many stories we read, we're never really going to understand exactly what somebody else has experienced ... we can try.
Each story featured in Daily Inspired Life, has been chosen because inside of it … and it's up to you to open it up and look deeper … is something to get you thinking, something to help you feel more positive or experience more meaning in your own life AND in the lives of others. Each story is bridging a gap … of culture, ideas, differences. The stories are about embracing differences, enjoying them and learning from them.
And when we do that, we'll experience more love and acceptance in our life. We can experience so much more peace and experience our lives in full technicolor as our love and acceptance ripples out to others.
Read these 8 stories with an open-heart...
Think about the person telling their story and the characters in their story. What have they experienced? What do we learn about ourselves from their experience? What can you learn about the greater world around you? How can sharing these stories help build empathy?
Found in a trash-can in the backstreets of South Korea to becoming an international empowerment coach and motivational speaker; Sasha takes you
The last time Fathima posted a picture on social media, she received derogatory comments implying that she was too ugly to show
An entertaining story about being willing to step out of your comfort zone to be the the change you want to see
Award-winning photographer, Susan Greeff, shares a heartwarming story about a Surma boy who teaches her a powerful lesson about what's really important in
Photograph by: Kenan Tekin A short story highlighting the wonderful work of "Grannies in Demand" and the older folk they help in
An early self portrait by the author Sarra A. A short story about showing kindness to strangers.Be taken into the mind
Short story about beauty and how our perception of what true beauty is changes over time. Subscribe The scent of nail

When you see a new story come past your desk, read the story, share the story. Instead of allowing other people and organisations to tell our stories, let's allow the people who should be telling their stories to share with us.
If you have a story you'd like to share, then please contact me. I want to hear different perspectives from all people. And the only criteria is that we come from a place of non-judgment, a place of compassion and understanding.
Thank you for being part of Daily Inspired Life. thank you for subscribing; for being somebody who values the positive and understands the difference that sharing positively can make in the world
Beautiful post. And so timely. With all that is currently happening on global basis, so many of us are conflicted as to how to react to it all. In my mind, the most important consideration is that we must be respectful of others fears and beliefs.
Such a great share! Very deep and helps you think!
Building empathy for others is so important. I try to share different stories in my classes to help my rural students experience the world through others eyes. They may never travel to these places (or times), but by reading about them can perhaps understand why people think and act the ways they do.
That is such a beautifully written deep touching article. Empathy is so important and so is the compassion and understanding others and being there for each other.