Inspiring Stories | FEATURE - Page 11 of 13 - DAILY INSPIRED LIFE
All posts in "Inspiring Stories | FEATURE"

When River Angels Appear by Barb Geiger | Inspiring Story #56

Barb Geiger and her husband Gene set off on an epic five-month service adventure, paddling down the Mississippi in a twenty-foot kayak they built themselves.

Along the way they encounter countless everyday heroes and river angles who offer compassion, care and opportunity to others. Be inspired by just one of their many encounters …

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I Won My Dream Job at 59 Years Old by Barrie Tabor | Inspiring Story #55

At only 59 Years of Age Barrie Goes For Her Dream Job as a Flight Attendant.  A short story about not giving up on your dreams.Since I was about ten years old, I’ve had the dream of becoming a flight attendant. As I got older, I chose to put that dream on hold.  I wanted to […]

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Don’t Wait to Live a Life You Love | Inspiring Story #66

  Life is precious, life is fleeting. Make the most of your moments while you’re here  ~ Karletta MarieI was called to take a detour through the cemetery this morning.  An old man, grey hair sprouting from under his cap sits in silence staring at a grave in front of him. I wonder who it is […]

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Discovering Happiness by Lizette Mendieta | Inspiring Story #53

“Discovering Happiness is a place to shine light on the little things: like the connections we make … the peace found in nature, the special moments  – like my precious memory of George, who inspired my curiosity to explore the world.”I was fascinated with his big eyes, and greenish skin.  As a child I would […]

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Spellbound by the Circus Spotlight by Mara | Inspiring Story #50

Determined to fulfill her life-long dream to shine in the spotlight, Mara quits her job and runs away with the circus, where she learns the ultimate lesson in vulnerability Secretly I always wanted to be on stage and shine in the spotlight. When I was twenty-six years old,  I quit my security job in Switzerland, to run […]

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Lady Who Saved Many Lives | Real-Life Hero Story, Kenya | Inspiring Story #32

Real life hero story.  In one night Mary went from being a shy, unknown volunteer in her community to the “The Lady That Saved Many Lives”When the police car arrived at the clinic with the first survivor, a one-month old baby boy, I had no idea what would lay ahead for myself and the clinic […]

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Say YES to Happy by Krista O’Reilly-Davi-Digui | Inspiring Story #48

Short, meaningful story about Happiness.  Taking a walk on a New Orleans street, Krista ponders on Happiness.  How can you be happy when not all in the world is right?My husband and I walked along a noisy New Orleans street, glasses steaming up from the humidity, our bellies full from an amazing meal.We felt happy. […]

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“You’d Be Pretty Without Those Scars” by Karletta Marie | Inspiring Story #49

Short story about discovering what true beauty really means …   JOIN The scent of nail varnish, L’Oreal shampoo and hair dye settle in my nostrils.  The mirror clad walls reflect soft down-lights on ivory coloured tiles, and I hear Mariah Carey’s,  “I don’t wanna cry” playing in the background.   I’m draped in an unflattering […]

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The Last Time: Savour Every Moment by Jenny Flintoff | Inspiring Story #46

Photograph by Bruno NascimentoA mother and a son take a walk. “Is this the last time?” Jenny wondered when her son slips her hand in his. This story is a special reminder to appreciate the special moments.Yesterday I went for a walk along the beach with Benj. He’s nine and a half.  Holding hands has […]

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