Born into the poorest family in a poor village in Vietnam, Giang couldn’t imagine a way out of poverty. At eleven years old, she was sent to Hanoi to earn money for her family. Life was tough, but she never forgot her dreams. Be inspired by her remarkable journey out of poverty and into prosperity…
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Together we Rise ...
For two years every person in this community has experienced the effect of pandemic on a global scale. Now, together we watch war unfold – some of us aren’t just watching, some, right now are feeling the vibrations of bombs on their doorstep.
At a personal level you are facing your own challenges - relationships, family, finances, health, business, career. No matter how beautiful life can be, there will be times when we face anxiety and uncertainty. Still, through it all, people gather, embrace, and support one another.
In this Spring issue we symbolically come out of a cold winter and raise our arms to herald in a new season. Together we Rise.
You’ll meet …
• Jennievi Dunque from the Philippines, who lost her Father when very young, then faced the bitterest rejection of all from family. She rose to become an award-winning teacher who now inspires a younger generation to rise up above their circumstances.
• Missa Fahran from Palestine, who lives in Jordon as a third-generation refugee. The law forbids her to own a car, register a house, register a company, or own shares. Still, she rises to find a way to live her “impossible dream” of traveling the world on a refugee passport.
• Giang Luu, who was born into the poorest family of a poor village in Vietnam. No food, no money, no chance of education. She was sent to work to sell chewing gum and polish shoes on the streets of Hanoi. You’ll discover how she found a way out of poverty to become a successful businesswoman in Vietnam’s capital Hanoi.
• Patricia Prince, from Canada, was 100 pounds overweight battling stage 3 breast cancer. She felt broken-down, scared, and depleted. Still, she found a way to rise. She fought her fight and won. Patricia then turned her victory into a movement inspiring other woman to thrive in life.
There are other stories too. One from yours truly, and a write up on the movie, The Music of Silence, which is based on the life of Andrea Bocelli, the famous singer who was born with an eye condition that leads to blindness.
Turn the pages of this issue with an open heart. Those who have shared their stories have done so as an act of brave love. Through their experience we draw strength and courage during difficult times. Share these stories, your thoughts and comments with others. No matter what, together we rise.
Wishing you love, joy, peace & prosperity.
Karletta Marie. xoxo

You get to choose the headline of your story. Get more confidence, inject new meaning into your life by re-telling your story …
Beautiful Life Lesson in just 15 Seconds
Rejection, failure, misfortune, and humiliation. These experiences can either destroy us or cause us to grow and rise above. I chose to rise.
And I’ll rise up, High like the waves
I’ll rise up. In spite of the ache
I’ll rise up, And I’ll do it a thousand times again
100 pounds overweight, while battling stage 3 breast cancer Patricia knew she had a challenge ahead. What she achieves is remarkable. The hope she passes on, invaluable …
Born third generation refugee from Palestine, Missa faces restrictions to rights and freedoms many take for granted. This is her story of achieving what some call “an impossible dream.” Find out how she did it …
Ashleigh Ewald shared her inspiring story “Born To Be Different”. After her story was published, we asked Ashleigh to tell us about her experience.
Inspirational Movies Based On True Stories
Found in a trash-can on the streets of South Korea to becoming an international empowerment coach, Sasha shows us the power of reframing.
Imagine growing up in an environment where kindness was a foreign concept. Imagine knowing nothing else beyond the boundaries of your home. Imagine what it takes to escape, at only 21, with no money and no job, just a desire for freedom …
Living on the streets of Ecuador, only garbage bags for luggage. Monica shares her inspiring story of how hope coupled with hard-work lead her from homelessness to living her dream in Tuscany