I Met My Husband in an Airport Queue by Helen Brown | Inspiring Story #9
A Short Love Story About Finding Love In The Most Unexpected Places …
A Short Love Story About Finding Love In The Most Unexpected Places …
A short inspiring story of an older couple who use their passion for gardening to spread joy in spring. Through their vibrant garden, they share their love of flowers and life with others, leaving a lasting impression of happiness and beauty.
Letting Go >> Let go of what you don’t want, to make room for more of what you do want. Real life story and EXERCISE to get you started ….
My heart was forever touched by Sheila from Shropshire and the courage it took for her (all of her) to face each day living with D.I.D. “The weather is beating me some – first the rain, wet and miserable, and now this fog: the low cloud feels quite oppressive! Often, the fog feels protective and […]
Touching story of human kindness. On a bus from Phoenix to LA a woman hands over her last forty dollars. But that wasn’t the end of her story…
How will “better stories” help you create your own beautiful life?Over the past few years, Daily Inspired Life has gently evolved to become a place where we don’t just read and share inspiring stories. Together, we use the power of narrative to consciously create our own beautiful lives and actively send out positive narratives into […]
Born third generation refugee from Palestine, Missa faces restrictions to rights and freedoms many take for granted. This is her story of achieving what some call “an impossible dream.” Find out how she did it …
“How can we change the broader culture so that we continue to broadcast and be outraged and saddened by acts of cruelty, violence, and dispossession; and yet at the same time begin to equally broadcast and honor tender and inspiring survival stories, as well as people’s acts of care and protection?” ~ Retelling the Stories of […]
Newly divorced, with no prospects for a 57 year old woman living in a foreign country, Cynthia thought her life was over.That was until a chance meeting with an older woman on her flight back to the USA changed her perspective about life and starting over. The marriage is officially over. I can’t say that I’m […]
A true story of the mystery package that inspires a young Australian girl to travel to South Africa and create her true freedom-to-travel lifestyle.35 years ago, a mystery package arrived in our mailbox. It was a big, rectangular, yellow-golden envelope, and I could feel the soft, spongy bubble wrap inside. The name on the front […]
When Fathima, a Muslim from South Africa, travels to India, she fears how she’ll be received in an area with supposed Muslim-Hindu tensions. What she discovers in reality surprises her, and something as simple as a stranger knocking on her door leads to a realization that will change her perspective forever…”Child, have you eaten?” […]
These church doors transport me to another world, long long ago … It was in this very church that my great great great grandparents, Ann Aust and William Williams married. Their union way back in 1838 eventually resulted in my birth. As I look at the register I see they couldn’t write – signing their names […]