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I Won My Dream Job at 59 Years Old by Barrie Tabor | Inspiring Story #55

At only 59 Years of Age Barrie Goes For Her Dream Job as a Flight Attendant.  A short story about not giving up on your dreams.Since I was about ten years old, I’ve had the dream of becoming a flight attendant. As I got older, I chose to put that dream on hold.  I wanted to […]

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Spellbound by the Circus Spotlight by Mara | Inspiring Story #50

Determined to fulfill her life-long dream to shine in the spotlight, Mara quits her job and runs away with the circus, where she learns the ultimate lesson in vulnerability Secretly I always wanted to be on stage and shine in the spotlight. When I was twenty-six years old,  I quit my security job in Switzerland, to run […]

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My Leap into Meaningful Life with Adam Johnson | Inspiring Story #45

  Adam thinks it’s too late to start over.  He fears losing his security.   But with a gentle prompt from his girlfriend, he discovers that his fears hold the key to unlock his freedom… the key to creating a meaningful life.          You’re never too old to take a leap into […]

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One Favour to a Friend Changed My Life by Tram | Inspiring Story #24

Pregnant and exhausted, Tram couldn’t see a way out of her monotonous home-to-work, work-to-home daily routine… until one day a friend asks her for a favour. Tram’s story is about hope for a better life. It’s about giving …,and receiving so much more in return.

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