Daily Inspired Life Magazine | Summer 2022 | Seek Connection - Daily Inspired Life

Daily Inspired Life Magazine | Summer 2022 | Seek Connection

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Seek Connection as a Way to Succeed in a Changing World

Waves wash upon the shore.  A breeze brushes over the sea and blows through palm fronds lining the street.  Up ahead, Bouzouki plays, and people sing.  Strawberry moon hangs in the sky; a pearl so bright, the stars have bowed down for the night.  Thatโ€™s when I thought of you - friends across the way, across earth and oceans.  

Friends, can you feel it?  Together, the world over, we are going through change, a shake-up, transition, renewal โ€ฆ

And in times of great change and uncertainty, you may find yourself checking the news regularly or constantly monitoring social media feeds.  Humans do this because we want to feel a sense of control and safety.  We believe we will be better equipped to prepare for the future by watching the news.  We try and make whatโ€™s uncertain as certain as possible.  Only, our news feeds are designed to keep us addicted to the cycle of needing to watch more news.  More fear, more bad news creates anxiety, more concern about the future, and so, the cycle continues. 

And while it is important to be informed and prepared, itโ€™s also important that we give ourselves ways of relief and ways to find joy, peace, and strength to succeed during uncertain times.  We may try to achieve this through escapism, for example, binge-watching our favourite TV series.  

Another antidote we offer in this issue of DIL is to immerse yourself in deeper connection. Connection to yourself, others, nature and a force greater than us alone.

As I looked up to the Strawberry moon, I thought of you.  I am one person, part of a grand collective. I drew courage seeing your faces in my mind sitting under the same moonlight.  At the same time, I acknowledged the moonโ€™s effect on our tides. Then there were waves washing in, moved by the same breeze that brushed through date palms.  The same breeze I breathed into my lungs.  I stood alone on the beachfront, connected to all that.  Connected to you, as you are to me, as we all are to each other.  And I drew courage and strength and found peace in the moment.

The theme of the Summer edition of Daily Inspired Life is 'Seek Connectionโ€™.  While the topic โ€˜connectionโ€™ might not be obvious in every story title, I invite you to dig deeper.  Connect with the story, the writer, and the underlying message they share. Within the words of their stories, youโ€™ll find inspiration to connect with yourself, people, nature, and a force greater than your individual self.  In doing so, youโ€™ll find a moment of peace and relief from your news feed.  Youโ€™ll draw wisdom and courage to face uncertain times with a strength way beyond yourself.

Wishing you a beautiful Summer (or Winter if youโ€™re in the southern hemisphere) filled with an abundance of love, peace, and connection.

Karletta Marie.

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