I Shared My Story | Mara Zimmerli, Switzerland - Daily Inspired Life

I Shared My Story | Mara Zimmerli, Switzerland

 Mara Zimmerli shared her inspiring story "Spellbound by the Circus Spotlight". After her story was published, we asked Mara to tell us what it was like to share her story. Mara describes what she gained from sharing and how others benefited by reading her story. We hope Mara's experience inspires you to share your story too.

Story Title

Spellbound by the Circus Spotlight

About the Author


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Find out more:  https://marazimmerli.com

Mara is touring with her partner Chris. They offer show act's for event's, variety and circus. Find out more: http://www.marachris.com

How did you feel when you were first invited to share your story?

I was honoured and excited. 

Describe any personal benefits sharing your story has brought you:

Clarity that I should inspire people to open up to the inner artist inside of them and reconnect with their creativity. That would give people the freedom to create their dream-jobs, charities, feel worthy, share with others, connect to themselves.

Were you helped by the process to develop your story?

Yes, we did, thank you.  We were highly motivated with the coverage. 

Did sharing help you understand yourself more deeply?

It helped me to see that I am awesome and that I do allow myself to be vulnerable. And that I am very good at accepting help!

Did you enjoy the response you received from others in relation to your story? How So?

Yes very much. It's great to see that others allow themselves to feel beautiful and dance on the beach. It makes me imagine a world filled with colourful art and artistic people! Everybody very happy and confident.

Did sharing your story have an impact on others in anyway?

I hope it gives them the courage to aim for the stars. It worked for me - It will work for them as well! I want them to see that they need to stick with it for years and not give up after 3 months of trying. Keep walking toward your goal like a stubborn mule!

Would you recommend others share their story?

Yes I definitely would, it's a great experience. It's enriching!

Anything else you'd like to say?

Thank you for trusting me and working with me!

Discover the incredible journey of sharing your own story!

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Your story has the power to not only inspire others,  you'll unearth profound personal wisdom, and open up meaningful opportunities in your life. Embrace this opportunity today, and let's begin your unique narrative together.  Click a button below to begin your journey ... 

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