National Adoption Month | 5 Inspiring Stories from Around the World - Daily Inspired Life

National Adoption Month | 5 Inspiring Stories from Around the World

National Adoption Month

Today we celebrate five adoptees from around the world - South Korea, USA, China, UK  ...

Each person featured here turned their real life challenges into a way to help others.  They found a way to reframe their stories into stories of hope to be passed on to you.

Be inspired by their stories today.

Found in a trash-can in the backstreets of South Korea to becoming an international empowerment coach and motivational speaker;  Sasha takes you

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  Born in China with a cleft lip, orphaned, then living in foster homes until she was seven, Ashleigh wished her life

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Simon didn't think he had any issue with being adopted.  That was until he found out his childhood teddy bear had been

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From survivor to thriving woman. From abuse to empowerment. Luna shares how she changed her story...Healing from my childhood trauma and abuse

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Just before Christmas, 77-year-old Aunt DeeDee got scammed and didn't have enough money to pay her rent. Little did she know about

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