When Ravens Speak | Story of Human Kindness During the Covid-19 Outbreak | Inspiring Story #61 -

When Ravens Speak | Story of Human Kindness During the Covid-19 Outbreak | Inspiring Story #61


When Linnea, a woman from Sweden witnesses fear and panic unfolding on her Facebook feed, she decides to do something to help.

A short story shining light on human kindness during the Corona-Covid19 Outbreak ... 

My neighbor’s cows mooed outside my window and stars began to appear.  I had just come home to the farm after a long day of work.  I was tired but too restless to relax.  

Scrolling through Facebook, reading all the threads about the Corona-Covid virus,  I watched the global panic unfold.   I looked around my living room, all this space just for myself.

I was blessed to have this big house in the countryside, far away from the panic I was reading about online.  I wondered what it was like for others who didn’t have a haven to stay like I did. 

I called for my dog to come and went outside to let her do what dogs do and for me to take a cigarette. I looked up at the stars, I tuned into the sounds of nature;  the trees moving in the wind, the cows, the dogs nearby and my sheep calling for their dinner.

What could I do to help people in this situation? I thought to myself.    Most people around here have everything they need, so what's the next step for me.  What could I do to help? 

I had recently joined an online community for travelling women all over the world and an idea hit me as strong as a rock to the head…

I went inside, put some wood in the fireplace and made myself some toast while thinking about my idea.  How would I feel stuck in a foreign country with cash running low and no income  Why not offer a safe place for those in need? 

I had the room and I have trust in people.  I stared into the flames of the fireplace, letting my mind drift to possibilities. One of my cats came and fell asleep next to me and I started to write down an outline of what I wanted to do for the global community of women I belonged to  ... 

Linnea from Sweden

I looked at my phone, a little insecure about posting my message. How would people react?Would people call me insane for opening my door to complete strangers when the world is falling apart because of a virus?

I went out for another cigarette to calm my nerves a little and to think some more. The ravens behind my barn were talking loudly and an owl chimed in.   I knew what to do.  Nature has always been a big part of me and being Norse pagan, I knew the ravens had given me the sign to follow my heart.

Would people call me insane for opening my door to complete strangers when the world is falling apart because of a virus?

I went inside again, walked into my living room, with walls as green as the Scottish Highlands. On one wall an enlarged photograph of a forest with the rays of an early sun shining through the trees inspired me.  The fire gave a warm glow and cracking sounds from the burning wood warmed me.

I wrote a little more of my message and posted it in the community before I could change my mind.  In the post I offered my home as a haven for any woman that had found herself stranded in Sweden during the Corona outbreak. 


Photograph:   Pexels | Pixabay

After I made my post, I sat back down on the couch, thinking that no one would respond.  And then just like a waterfall, reactions, comments and messages started flowing in from all around the world.

While no one needed to take me up on my offer, the sense of gratitude from women around the world moved me, restoring my faith in humanity.   I sat there, staring at the phone in my hand, confused. I'm no saint and I still think that what I offered is a very small thing to do.

I asked myself, Is the world really so cold that a small offer like this warrants a reaction so grand?   Now is the time for humanity to come together to share our kindness and compassion.

During this crisis let’s help each other.  Instead of trying to climb the society ladder or being concerned with our egos, or panic buying, worrying about ourselves, let's make this a time to show love, to be true to ourselves and stand up for what we believe in.

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  • Thomas says:

    We’re at a time when we’ll see the best and the worst in humanity. I think all of us in some form will have to question and determine what matters the most to us now that we’ve been forced to stop and examine everything happening in the world. I wouldn’t necessarily say the world is so cold but more so that you made that post from a place of love and kindness and attracted that same energy. Lovely post!

  • What a generous thing to do. During the lockdown in my country, I have been shown kindness twice from an unexpected source. This is what is needed now more ever before. Perhaps when the Corona virus becomes history, we will all be kinder, more generous and decent human beings.

  • Kimberlie says:

    Reading and see messages like this, during this time, has renewed my faith in humans. You are extremely considerate to offer to open up your home, especially with all the risks attached. I keep hoping more people will go the way of love and kindness instead of panic and fear.

  • Natalie says:

    Such a lovely story with a very real message.

    There have been so many people going above and beyond during the Corona outbreak. It is heartwarming.

  • What a touching and beautiful story. <3

  • Awesome story. As usual! This woman makes some good points about the overreaction to her post. That people would have such a grand reaction does show that people are generally unused to generosity!

  • I believe that if this historical period does not teach us the true value of kindness and altruism, then there really is no more hope for humankind.

  • Corinne says:

    This post really moved me… I still remember growing up in the country when my grandparents opened up their home to anyone – absolutely ANYONE and EVERYONE – so people can eat and rest at their house. It was a sanctuary for people who had nothing to eat and nobody to talk to. Luckily my grandparents always had food (they were farmers) and my grandmother talked a lot so there was never a dull moment. And I agree, it’s the small gestures that make the biggest impact in the world right now. Thanks for sharing your story, Linnea.

  • Jennifer says:

    What a kind thing to offer! A beautiful message of love and hope for someone in need!

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